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花事未了。Flowerage is not finish.

还想达成什么未了心愿?What wish would you fullfill?

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是因为你昨晚看了“人鬼情未了”的缘故吗?。Is it because you saw"Ghost"last night?

是因为我还有未了的心愿吗?Is it because I have some desires yet to realize?

这种未了情结可以被划分为三种This unresolved business can be divided into three categories

这场危机仍然余波未了,房屋止赎数量还在上升。We’re also seeing the reverberations of this crisis with the rise in foreclosures.

未了确保经济刺激计划的成效,需要欧洲各国采取一致行动。To be effective, any stimulus program will need Europe's nations to act in concert.

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但与此同时好好生活如果你还有什么未了的心愿赶紧去完成。In the meantime, live your life. If there's things you're thinking about doing, do them now.

其实哥哥一直以来都有个心愿未了,就是执起导演筒拍摄一套属于自己的电影。Actually Gor Gor always wished to direct a movie of his won, this wish has not been fulfilled yet.

没有一只鸟飞来,夕阳,揣着未了情,沉向西山。No bird flies to the nest. With unfinished love, the setting sun sinks beyond the western mountain.

“那里有我事业上的一些未了的东西,我也要通过那里完成我的人生目标,”他说。"I have unfinished business there in terms of my career and where I want to get in life, " he said.

说犹未了,两边鼓声震响,火光竟天而起,惊得曹操几乎坠马。Even as he spoke, drums thundered from both sides and flames shot upward. Cao nearly fell from his horse.

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此次王室的"未了情"传闻戏剧性十足,也吸引了大批公众"围观",而且将安妮、安德鲁、卡米拉和查尔斯等人再一次推向舆论的焦点。The whole curious merry-go-round involving Anne, Andrew, Camilla and Prince Charles came back into focus.

否则自身未了,尚受世间名闻利养种种束缚,焉能教化别人、普利众生?Otherwise, with our own minds enslaved by secular attachments, how can we help to free others from such bondage?

赵宏博说,我们觉得仍有心愿未了,并与拉里取得了联系。Zhao changed their mind about retirement. 'We felt we still had something left and got in touch with Lori, ' Mr.

也想穿起那硕士的衣服和硕士帽,完成一个我未了的心愿!It would also like to put on the clothes and a master's degree master's degree, and I completed an unfulfilled wish!

但是现年24岁的菲尔普斯已经抵达了罗马,参加星期日开幕的世锦赛,他希望在这次世锦赛上完成他的未了心愿。But the 24-year-old has arrived in Rome for the world championships, which start on Sunday, with unfinished business.

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在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。At the end of the day, the party was involved in a "fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes".

因为他知道七弟是带着一个未了的心愿走的,那就是成立一家自己的足球俱乐部。Because he knows 7 younger brother are taking away the wish of an unfinished, that establishs that football club namely.

退伙时有未了结的合伙企业事务的,待该事务了结后进行结算。If there are partnership affairs still outstanding at the time of his retiring, the accounts shall be settled afterwards.