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这东西有薄荷味。It tastes of mint.

或者是薄荷味的?Or, how about Mint?

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鼠尾草、薄荷均为药草。Sage and mint are herbs.

BOBO永在,薄荷最爱。BOBO everlasting love, mint.

在薄荷味的风中凉驻。To cool in the peppermint wind.

我也酷爱薄荷冰激凌。I love peppermint ice cream too.

我总是吃薄荷巧克力味的。I always get mint chocolate chip.

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加入葡萄,薄荷和腰果,搅拌。Stir in grapes, mint, and cashews.

不过吃完了别忘了嚼薄荷口香糖。Just don't forget the breath mints.

闻一闻香蕉、苹果和薄荷Sniff a banana, apple, or peppermint

我们得到了紫色薄荷豪猪。We got purple peppermint porcupines.

对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。For me it's a peppermint mocha latte.

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小羊排,茄子,洋蓟,薄荷。Lamb Loin, Eggplant, Artichoke, Mint.

烤羊肉配上薄荷酱汁味道很好。Mint sauce goes well with roast lamb.

她的呼吸是薄荷味的,她的舌头Her breath smelling of mint, her tongue

它有一个稻草,和薄荷朱利普小枝。It has a straw, and mint Julep branchlets.

顽皮的薄荷又在麻包袋中跑出来。The mint is so naughty and out of control.

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你何不在这里涂点薄荷?Why don't you apply some mentholatum here?

胡椒、薄荷味利口酒。A peppermint and cinnamon flavoured liqueur.

含有薄荷醇的,或充满薄荷醇的。Peppermint is cultivated on some farms here.