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请给我沏一壶新茶。Please make me a fresh pot of tea.

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每年一次的碧螺春新茶是我公司主要的销售渠道和方向。Biluochun annual tea is my new company's main sales channel and direction.

现代人只能从一杯新茶中品味春天的田野。Only a cup of fresh tea can help modern people appreciate the spring field.

这是新茶在时间上没有一味地以早为贵下去的另一个原因。This is a new tea in time to not blindly go on as early as another reason for your.

沸水与新茶的偶遇,成就了香气的诞生。Occasional tea in boiling water with the new, achievements of the fragrance is born.

一片片嫩绿隽秀的新茶芽,一张张开怀温馨的笑脸,勾画出一幅丰硕饱满的采茶图。Vivid green tea shoots and warm smiling faces delineate a fleshy tea culling picture.

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为什么枕芯用老叶新茶做填充物,而不用嫩叶新茶?Why use new teas with aged leaves to fill in the pillow core but not those with young leaves?

看,这是我下午刚炒好的龙井新茶,闻闻看,很香啊!Look! The new West Lake Longjing Green Tea hot off the pan this afternoon. Smell it. How fragrant it is!

他减少了“新茶”的工作人员,办公室也搬到了一个较小的地方,还换了一个较便宜的网站寄存服务商。He downsized Neocha staff, moved its office to a smaller space, and switched to a less expensive Web-hosting service.

好在国内朋友不时带新茶来,故也经常独饮、独享。The good thing is that friends from China occasionally bring fresh tea to me, usually I would drink and enjoy tea by myself.

白茶是中国的的六大茶类之一,而安吉白茶又是浙江省很有名的一个新茶品种。The white tea is one of the six major tea categories in China, and Anji white tea is a new breed among famous teas in Zhejiang Province.

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公司搜索了“新茶”的数据库,编写了一份有关中国青少年文化趋向的报告,还附上了相关照片和视频资料。Mining Neocha’s database, the company compiled a report on youth cultural trends in China and produced related photo and video materials.

福琛接着走进一个空着的庭院,他看到新茶放在一个个餐桌大小的藤条编成的箩筐里晾晒。Proceeding into the otherwise empty courtyard, Fortune found fresh tea set to dry on large woven rattan plates, each the size of a kitchen table.

物以稀为贵,由于受到低温冻害的影响,本省茶叶的产量下降,造成了上市“新茶”价格上扬的格局。Value comes from scarcity. Because of the cool weather and frozen damage, the native tea productions descend, and the price of spring tea is going up.

在中国,这类商业竞争尚不太激烈,只有很少几个竞争对手已经在像“新茶锋潮”那样发展与嘻哈风格的艺术家的联系。In China, competition in this business segment is not strong yet, and few rivals have as well developed relationships with hip artists as does NeochaEDGE.

感受到了温暖的阳光,欣赏美丽的风景,听着美妙的音乐,喝新茶,我的心情是完美的,我没有别的愿望。Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire.