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我会勤恳学习。I'll work really hard.

我们是勤恳工作的人。We're hardworking people.

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她见到他在勤恳地工作。She saw him pegging along.

我是一个很勤恳的园丁。I'm a very devoted gardener.

工作勤恳,有团队协作精力。Diligent work with team spirit.

你不勤恳,他也不勤恳。He is no more diligent than you.

勇敢又勤恳,定能交好运。Dare and activity accompany luck.

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我忧虑我的勤恳全白费了。I'm frightened my efforts were in vain.

他是该队最勤恳努力的队员之一。He is one of the most assiduous members of the team.

在一个尽是头等生的国度,勤恳是一种美德。In a nation of overachievers, hard work is a virtue.

为人勤恳好学,有一定的责任心。Hardworking and eager to learn Strong responsibility.

天禀不过是勤恳而已。Genius is nothing but lstomair conditionershor and diligence.

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是的,他还说我是这个月办公室里工作的最勤恳的一个人!What's more, he said I was the hardest working person in the office!

没有,我工作长短常谨严的,并且我的共事也是异常勤恳的。No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent.

勤恳追寻它们,为了那一刹时的同步,这就是动人的生命奇迹。To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.

我希望你长大后能性情温和、工作勤恳,永远不要踢、咬。I hope you will grow up to be gentle and a willing worker, and never bite or kick.

对于多数学生要花一到两年的勤恳练习才能掌握好视奏技能。It will take most students from one to two years of diligent practice to become good.

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只有比别人更早、更勤恳哒努力,才干尝到成功滴味道。Only has compared to the others early, diligently diligently , canfeel the successful taste.

除了别的方面的特点外,你父亲还是一个勤恳工作的人。It would be right to describe your father, among other things, as a very hard-working person.

“派莱斯”公司一直致力于营造一种“诚信、勤恳、优质、创新”的企业文化。We always devote honesty, high quality, industrious and innovation to the enterprise culture.