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让我们扼要重述。Let's recap.

扼要重述新闻报道中的扼要重述。A recapitulation, as of a news report.

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请为我扼要说明产品的规格。Please give me a summary of product specs.

简洁的意思是简、短、扼要。Concise means brief, to the point, or short.

扼要介绍了该水膨胀防水密封胶的工程应用。It also briefs the application of the sealant.

他把讲话的重点扼要重述了一遍。He recapitulated the main points of the speech.

我们扼要说明了我们对该建议的反对意见。We outlined our major objections to the proposal.

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扼要介绍了FSR快速开关的实际应用。Also the application of FSR rapid switch is presented.

话说得扼要但有突破性的意义。It was tersely worded, but a significant breakthrough.

最后对此次设计进行了简明,扼要的总结。Finally, a simple and compendious summary is presented.

以下是最有名的“低薪”高管的扼要。Here’s a rundown of the most notable salary-less executives

文章扼要评述了戴望舒的诗论。This paper briefly comments on the poetics of Dai Wang-shu.

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扼要介绍了油井管的品种、用途。Types and application scope of oil well tubing are described.

我们的老师在每次课临结束时都要扼要重说一遍本课的重点。Our teacher ran over the main points at the end of each lesson.

最后一章即第7章是全文的扼要总结。The last chapter namely chapter 7 is the summary of the article.

请以中文或英文扼要叙述个人家庭、学经历背景等个人简介。Please write an 1000-word self introduction in Chinese or English.

你能扼要说明一下地区会议上提案的重点吗?Can you recap the points included in the regional conference proposal?

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一篇扼要介绍其具体情况的期刊论文有望在本月晚些时候发布。A journal paper outlining details about it is expected later this month.

本文扼要介绍了日中峰天文台新的太阳光谱仪。This paper introduces briefly the new solar spectrograph at Pic du Midi.

扼要介绍关于光频载波的初步的实验研究工作。Briefing of initial experimental study on optical carriers is also given.