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它之前都是未可知的。It was unknown.

前路未可知,梦想今犹在。The road ahead unclear, dream today.

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我姑姑?那你可知谁救了我的命?My aunt? Do you know who saved my life?

你可知,为何你身在印航不觉累?。You are in Air-India , do you know why?

可知在金字塔上建庙目的是敬神。On the top they built a temple of the sun.

那是我们听到过的最可知的想法。That's the silliest idea I've ever heard !

谁将会接任哈尔德的首相之职尚未可知。Who will take over from Haarde is unclear.

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昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery.

看到那些海鸥便可知陆地在不远处。Those seagulls suggest that land is not distant.

对月诉讼世间苦,婵娟可知爱情苦。On the moon earth litigation bitter, bitter love.

可知,手势语是一种真正的语言。故选项。Might deaf people usually have a genuine language?

这是否是个普遍现象还尚不可知。Whether this is a general thing or not we don't know.

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通过抑菌实验可知,豆渣发酵产物具有一定的抑菌效果。The product of fermented okra natto has an antibacterial.

可知,那一簇簇争奇斗艳的花儿是我的最爱?Known, which contests the flower bunches are my favorites?

在女人看来,典型的男人是不可知,不可捉摸的。To a woman, the quintessential male is unknowable, elusive.

上帝,作为问题的答案,超越了可知事物的领域。God, the answer, transcends the universe of knowable things.

故可知人生是由“渐”维持的。Hence it is evident that life is sustained by “gradualness”.

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但是缅甸政府军方面是否有伤亡尚未可知。But the casualties on the Burmese Army's side were not known.

同理可知,在“稀释压力”的过程中,水同样功不可没。Likewise, if stress is to be diluted, water is the salvation.

从第一段的尾句可知,这门课程很受学生们的欢迎。That's 3 the course has become very popular among the students.