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这是一具尸体。It's a corpse.

这就是我的尸体。Here's my corpse.

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尸体是什么?What is a corpse?

他的尸体将腐烂。His body will rot.

我们最终变成尸体。We end up corpses.

他们挖出他的尸体。They dug his body up.

因为说到底,我已经是一具尸体。After all,I'm a corpse.

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作为尸体存在。I'll exist as a corpse.

他也渴望看到这些尸体。he desired to see them.

他们做尸体解剖了吗?Did they do an autopsy ?

这很棒——如果你有尸体的话。Great—if you have a body.

没有尸体可以装饰。There's no body to decorate.

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吸烟者被缝合上的尸体。A sewn-up corpse of a smoker.

尸体剖检过了吗?Has the body been necropsied?

尸体开始肿胀了。The carcass started to bloat.

盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。A casket for the body to bury.

作为尸体我是不存在的。As a corpse,I no longer exist.

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王子将忠犬杰乐的尸体埋在了这里。The prince buried Gelert here.

他们把尸体埋得很深。They buried the body very deep.

我知道吕蓓卡的尸体在哪儿。I knew where Rebecca's body was!