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他被派到了海外工作。He was sent abroad.

海外营业部。Overseas Sales Department.

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那么你宁愿旅居海外啦?。So you prefer living abroad?

我们的老师正侨居海外。Our teacher is living overseas.

把工作机会给海外的中国人做啊。Off-shoring of US jobs to China.

海外艺人为什么比新加坡艺人红?Singapore ppl no talent one lar!

买房客,海外楼市。Buy-off, overseas property market.

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他的势力扩展到海外。His power extends beyond the seas.

海外侨胞们注意。The attention of overseas Chinese.

我们没有任何在海外的代理。We do not have any oversea agents.

他们的势力扩展到海外。Their power extends beyond the seas.

欢迎海外各界朋友来电求租。Welcome overseas friends call Qiuzu.

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听了这消息,他立即从海外赶回国来。At the news he sped home from abroad.

考虑是否能在海外的提款机上使用你的银行卡。The overseas ATM and your debit card.

海外华人迎新春,悉尼同胞庆兔年。Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping.

他的钱都存进了海外的一家银行。His money is in an offshore island bank.

海外客人纷至遝来,弄得他应接不暇。He is besieged with visitors from abroad.

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一个海外人泉组织能知道个屁?What would an OVERSEAS rights group know?

你海外的分厂进展如何?What’s your overseas branch factory going?