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以下我们再就这些军犬做进一步介绍。Here's some more war-dog fodder to chew on.

在二十世纪,军犬的职责更为多样化。In the 20th century, dogs' duties became more diverse.

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这些军犬是否喜欢从飞机或直升机上一跃而下?But do dogs like leaping out of planes and helicopters?

海虎是一条军犬,纯种的德国黑背。Sea Tiger is a military canine, a pure German shepherd.

在赤身裸体瑟瑟发抖的囚犯的生殖器和腿边放上一只军犬?Set guard dogs at the genitals and legs of cowering naked prisoners?

军犬有时牙弄掉了,训犬员就必须给它们补上。Dogs sometimes lose teeth, and their handlers or trainers would have them replaced.

给军犬装上钛金属牙完全与医疗有关,他指出道。The only reason that a dog would have any titanium would be medical, he pointed out.

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在战争中使用军犬的历史可以回溯到古希腊和罗马时代的晚期。he use of dogs in warfare dates back to the late antiquity of the Greco-Roman world.

在战争中使用军犬的历史可以回溯到古希腊和罗马时代的晚期。The use of dogs in warfare dates back to the late antiquity of the Greco-Roman world.

有些军犬也会接受与人类相同的药物治疗。Some dogs are also treated with the same medications used to fight panic attacks in humans.

而Holland医院同样很忙,因为对于五角大楼来说,他是军犬界的“沃尔特里德陆军医疗中心”。So has the Holland hospital, the Pentagon's canine version of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

两架黑鹰直升机继续前进,飞机上的乘客包括23名海豹突击队员、一名翻译和那条著名的军犬—嗅探犬开罗。Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking dog named Cairo.

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今年2月,美国海军陆战队司令詹姆斯·阿莫斯上将称,他希望看到“每次巡逻都有军犬相伴。”In February, Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos stated that he'd like to see "a dog with every patrol."

海军陆战队开始使用军犬追踪塔利班士兵和炸弹制造者。The Marine Corps also has begun using specially trained dogs to track Taliban fighters and bomb-makers.

越南战争期间向发生冲突的地方派遣的军犬,被看成一项“多余的设备”而弃之不用。The war dogs deployed to Vietnam during that conflict were classified as "surplus equipment" and left behind.

警察或骑着马,或牵着军犬想要疏散球迷,但更小的冲突却仍在继续。Police, including mounted and dog units, managed to diffuse the situation but smaller skirmishes are continuing.

今天,军犬通过敏锐的嗅觉找出爆炸物和隐藏的军火,同时武装警察配备了攻击性军犬。Today, dogs are used to sniff out explosives and find hidden munitions, while attack dogs accompany many military police units.

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美军授予每一只军犬高于其训犬师的军衔,当训犬师晋级时,军犬也一同晋级。Army assigns each dog a rank, one higher than that of their handler, and when the handler is promoted, the dog is promoted as well.

的确,海军特战队对于狗牙的要求似乎并不包括某种可能导致军犬的"门牙功能增强"的情形。Indeed, the command’s requirements for dog teeth don’t seem to account for the circumstances that would lead to grille enhancements.

多年前,在我于以色列服强制性兵役期间,我参加了与军犬协作的反恐训练。Years ago, during my mandatory army service in Israel, I took part in anti-terrorist training that involved working with the K9 unit.