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扬帆远航,赖您东风助力!Sailing, wind power depends on You!

我们需要福特的转向助力泵。We want to buy power steering for FORD.

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而西门子正助力上海和中国达成这一目标。Siemens is helping Shanghai and China do this.

我们需要转向助力泵,请与我们联系。We need power steering pump, please contact us.

组合开关,转向助力泵,电动燃油泵。Combination Switch, Power Steering Pump, Electric Fuel Pump.

我们需要购买汽车转向助力泵,请联系我们。We need to buy Auto Power steering Pump, please contact with us.

生产日系、美系、欧洲系列、韩国系列助力泵。Japanese Series, American Series, European Series, Korean Series.

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自动识别技术,是否能为食品安全助力护航?AUTO-ID technology, can it protect food safety from being invaded?

开老爷车,你得使用我说的那种‘手臂助力方向盘’。With the older cars you have to use what I call arm-strong steering.

帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的助力作用。Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.

因此助力泵的可靠性十分重要。Therefore boosts the reliability which pumps to be extremely important.

创新型包装技术如何助力品牌突围研发瓶颈?Innovation packaging technique how to push brands to breakthrough R&D bottleneck?

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象助力转向和助动制动这样的辅助系统也是电动的。Ancillary systems like power steering and power-assisted brakes are also electric.

其它发展中经济体如可获得资金,则能够助力推动全球经济复苏。With access to finance, other developing economies can help boost a global recovery.

中间铰接式液压助力转向,转向灵活,操纵舒适。Central articulated hydraulic steering for flexible turning and convenient operation.

本实用新型适用于可电控汽车液压转向助力泵。The utility model is suitable for the electric vehicle hydraulic power steering pump.

阿迪达斯与大连万达集团合作,助力中国足球与篮球的发展。Adidas has teamed up with Dalian Wanda to help develop soccer and basketball in China.

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本发明为无线分档速度控制助力滑板。The present invention relates to a servo-skateboard of wireless stepped speed control.

这些优势助力苹果在过去的几年里迅速地发展起来。All these advantages have helped Apple continue to thrive over the past couple of years.

全新车处理,摩托车店欠我的钱用助力车顶账了,新车3600。New car deal, motorcycle shop owes me money account with the top bikes, and new car 3600