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可能会扑朔迷离。It's going to be perhaps a lot murkier.

在这些混沌模糊、扑朔迷离的时刻背后,隐藏着一个难解之谜。In the fog of those moments lies a mystery.

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这件令人扑朔迷离的事儿一经传出,立即轰动了十里八村。As soon as the confusing thing spread, it made a great stir.

梅德韦杰夫和普京之间的关系依然有些扑朔迷离。The relationship between Medvedev and Putin remains something of a mystery.

美学问题是哲学领域中最扑朔迷离的问题之一。Esthetics question is in the philosophy domain one of most confusing questions.

但是氢动力个人交通工具的前景看起来和以往一样扑朔迷离。But the promise of hydrogen-powered personal transport seems as elusive as ever.

这件令人扑朔迷离的事儿一经传出,立即轰动了十里八村。Upon the bewildering news runs through the village, the villagers were all shocked.

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但这些结果依然有待商榷,决定性的结论还是扑朔迷离。But those findings have come under debate, and definitive conclusions remain elusive.

英国各城市为修建国内唯一一座拉斯维加斯式超级赌场的争夺,正变得扑朔迷离。The scramble to house the UK's only Las Vegas-style super casino is turning into a lottery.

扑朔迷离的新奇和微妙大胆的惊喜侵袭着人的每一条视线。There's not a sightline that does not afford some new surprise, some subtle or bold pleasure.

我可以和莫西亚整天坐在一起喝咖啡,但是一切都变得越来越扑朔迷离。I could sit and drink coffee with Mircea all day and everything would get murkier and murkier.

这使得民主党新近取得的国会控制权是否会易主而变得扑朔迷离。His illness leaves many wondering if Democrats will lose their newly-won control of the Senate.

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梦的虚无缥缈、神秘体验的不可思议,都使吉本的“神秘”小说显得更加扑朔迷离。The intangibility of dreams and exploration of mysteries both make her novels more complicated.

在全美航空1549次航班降落哈德逊河前的最后时刻,到底发生了什么一直是扑朔迷离。There was confusion during the last moments before US Airways Flight 1549 crashed into the Hudson.

对于第1,第4,第6顺位被选中的这三个人来说,现在和将来也很扑朔迷离。But for the No. 1, No. 4 and No. 6 picks of that draft, the present and near future remain much murkier.

一次次惊心动魄的历程,一个个扑朔迷离的故事,带你经入缤纷的欢乐旅程!All those exciting experiences and complicated amazing stories will bring you into colorful happy journey.

一个男人发现自己的六发式左轮手枪被一支激光枪替代,事情从此变得更加扑朔迷离和扣人心弦。One man finds that his six shooter has been replaced by a laser gun and things get more intense from there.

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集浪漫、青春、现实与梦幻为一炉,还带着‘扑朔迷离’的美感,没有名字比它更好了。Romance, youth, reality and fantasy as a furnace, but also with a 'whirling' beauty, no name better than it.

分离主义的阴谋家正试图挑起一些扑朔迷离的事端使安森星脱离共和国。Separatist conspirators were attempting to arrange the secession of Ansion through a number of veiled fronts.

而现在在新的政府班子和国会面前,这笔钱和守贞教育自身的命运都变得扑朔迷离了。The fate of that money, and of abstinence education itself, is uncertain under a new administration and Congress.