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思想斗争是激烈的——但结束得太突兀。Thestruggle was great--but it ended too soon.

怪峰突兀。A grotesque peak thrusts itself towards the sky.

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何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!When I could see these houses loom before my eyes.

胜利与失败从没来得像这次这般突兀过。Victories — and defeats — don't come any tougher than this.

我不喜欢那种单反镜头又大又沉又突兀的相机。I just don’t like how an SLR is big and heavy and obtrusive.

百泉山上奇峰突兀,景色壮观。The Baiquan mountain has towering peaks, it's a magnificent scene.

那栋旧建筑物在这个高级住宅区里显得很突兀。That old building looks out of place in this up-scale neighborhood.

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通知是不突兀和服务只在白天的时间。Notifications are non-obtrusive and served only during the day time.

如此解释,即可完整解读北韩核武和飞弹测试的突兀时机。All this may well explain the timing of recent nuclear and missile tests.

受雇的画家尝试着将突兀的巨塔融入周围的风景之中。Painters were hired to try and blend the huge, obtrusive towers into the landscape.

涂有波兰国旗颜色红白两色的尾翼在废墟中显得很突兀。A tail fin with the red and white national colors of Poland stuck up from the debris.

发展的轨迹会比大多的报道暗示的更为突兀和荒凉。Here, too, the trajectory will be more sudden and stark than most reporting suggests.

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因此,这些公司在发展中会出现一些突兀、不合逻辑、违背常理、令人费解的摇摆和反复。This is why we're seeing these abrupt, illogical, irrational, inexplicable reversals.

象鼻山在漓江与桃花河交汇处突兀地显现出来。Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River.

另外,两层之间平缓不突兀也是至关重要的。It is also critical that the slope between the levels be flat and not convex or humped.

涧北有壶瓶崖,危崖万丈,突兀类壶瓶状而名。Stream north Huping cliff, towering cliffs, towering like a bottle-shaped pot and name.

他们表示,中国政府并不总是能对其政策法规作出清楚的解释,而且有些规定的出台往往过于突兀。They say it isn't always clear why some rules are implemented and often quite abruptly too.

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何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!Seeing unexpected when the present house, I Lu alone are enough to break by freezing to death!

我们明显地可以看出刻意粉饰的痕迹,阿尔弗的转变是如此地突兀。We may see the trace which obviously plasters desirably, the Ahl transformation are so towering.

对于控制中国领导层的工程师们而言,河流的原始状态一定显得鲁莽突兀。To the engineers who dominate China’s leadership, the rivers’ wildness must seem an impertinence.