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不再有旭日东升,不再有日日时时,也不再有一分一秒。There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes.

对旭日东升的描绘,来自于Nodjmet的纸莎草纸,约公元前1050年A depiction of the rising sun. Papyrus of Nodjmet, c. 1050 BC.

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上世纪80年代中期,休斯顿火箭队看上去就像是一座旭日东升的王朝球队。In the mid-80s, the Houston Rockets looked like they'd be a dynasty.

但随着美国那边夕阳西下,中国这边显然正是旭日东升。But as the sun sets on bling for the U.S., it is clearly rising in China.

但随着美国那边夕阳西下,中国这边显然正是旭日东升。But as the sun sets on bling for the U. S. , it is clearly rising in China.

请大家再看一看东方,看旭日东升,彩霞满天。Please take a look at the Eastern U. S. , watch the rising sun, sky Caixia.

但是一朵曾经看过旭日东升的花,也能看到在它自己独特的一面面有某种东西在上升。But a flower that has seen the sunrise has also seen something arise within itself.

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生活中可期待的东西,不只是黎明破晓、旭日东升,如果可能的话,还有整个大自然!To anticipate, not the sunrise and the dawn merely, but, if possible, Nature herself!

一朵从来没看过旭日东升的花,就没有办法看到在它里面的旭日东升。A flower that has never known the sunrise has never known the sun to rise within itself.

噩梦已去,旭日东升。让我们手拉手走向美好的明天!The nightmare has gone. The sun is rising. Let's go hand in hand into the bright future.

相信有我们的真诚合作,定会使您的事业如旭日东升,蓬勃发展。To believe that our sincere cooperation, will make your business, such as the rising sun, to flourish.

中国和各岛国的关系也犹如旭日东升,拥有光明而广阔的前景。The bond between China and the Pacific island countries, just like the rising sun, has a bright future.

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每天,他看见旭日东升,横过天空,又落在西边地平线之下。Every day the sun rises in the east, travels across the sky and then goes down below the western horizon.

不会永远如旭日东升,也不会永远痛苦潦全,反复地一浮一沉,对于一个人来说,正是磨练。Not always like the rising sun, never suffering Liao Quan, repeated ups and downs for a man, is the training.

最好不要在夕阳西下时幻想什么,而要在旭日东升时投入工作。Better not to fancy something when the evening sun sets, but to be absorbed in word when the morning sun rises.

登临其上可尽赏旭日东升的壮丽场面,亦可晴览山色、阴观云海。Board on which they can best enjoy the magnificent scenes of the rising sun, mountains can view clear, Yin Guanyun sea.

可以躺在沙摊上看旭日东升、夕阳西下,可以在漆黑的旷野里狂奔。Can see the rising sun lying on sand stalls throughout the city, the sun sets, you can run through the dark wilderness.

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有一次,我与我们的伙伴在小区一起玩游戏,捉迷藏,从旭日东升一。One times, I and my friends in our housing estate play together, hide and seek, from the red sun rises from the east to.

旭日东升,晚霞西落,整天美好阳光透过飘窗照射在室内显得格外温馨明亮。Rising sun, sunset west down all day, exposure to bright sunlight through the windows and warm in the room makes it especially bright.

我生命的指针处在八九点钟,正是旭日东升的美好时刻,只要我努力地前行,世界的各个角落都会看到我的身影。Pointer in my life Morning, it is a beautiful moment of the rising sun, as long as my efforts to pre-trip, all corners of the world will see my shadow.