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很多欧洲人忍不住要欢呼雀跃。Many Europeans can’t resist crowing.

整个核工业界为这次“核文艺复兴”欢呼雀跃。Industry hails "nuclear renaissance."

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我们为校队的胜利欢呼雀跃。We exulted in the school team's victory.

投票结果公布后,她们欢呼雀跃。They cheered when the result was announced.

该队在比赛获胜后欢呼雀跃。The team whooped it up after winning the game.

他们欢呼雀跃,大厅里像开锅了似的。They cheered and cheered. The hall seemed boiling.

人们因孩子的出生而欢欢喜喜欢呼雀跃。The birth of a baby is usually an occasion for joy.

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尽管外国工会欢呼雀跃,但是跨国公司却愁眉不展。While foreign unions cheer, multinational companies fret.

他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。Nu Wa side cheering them for a while, slowly got separated.

好在上周惠普改变了主意,终于让华尔街欢呼雀跃了一回。Which was finally reversed last week, to Wall Street cheers.

春暖花开日子,年轻的心在欢呼雀跃,让我们踏青去!Warmth of spring days, the young heart rejoice, let's outing to go!

他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。He jumps up with joy for those mediaeval castles on the mountaintop.

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当球上的数千盏小灯亮起时,人群一阵欢呼雀跃。They ooh and aah when the thousands of little lights in the ball come on.

时日已至,严冬已尽,我们如相聚天堂的兄弟欢呼雀跃。Days had come, winters had gone, and we gamboled like siblings in Paradise.

一位哥伦比亚大学的毕业生在为他取得的学位欢呼雀跃。Spirits undampened, a graduate of Columbia University exults in his degree.

当看到鞭子烧起来的熊熊火焰的时候,所有的动物欢呼雀跃。All the animals capered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames.

一片“走”的喊叫声响彻礼堂,人们都站了起来,欢呼雀跃。The hall resounded to a roar of "Yes! " People were on their feet, cheering.

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煽动恐怖分子发动911袭击并使之为此欢呼雀跃的邪恶势力仍然在世界上活动着。The evil that inspired and rejoiced in Nine-Eleven is still at work in the world.

第一夫人的一位发言人表示奥巴马的两个女儿看到后都欢呼雀跃着。They squealed with delight upon seeing it, a spokeswoman for the first lady said.

2011年的六一儿童节就要来了,小朋友们欢呼雀跃着。In 2011, six one children's Day is coming, the children as cheerful as a lark with.