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我向四周望了望。I looked all around.

他在四周某地方。He is around somewhere.

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树木环绕在房子的四周。Trees encircle the house.

我们房子的四周都是树。Trees surround our house.

房子的四周都是树。Woods lay around the house.

四周既不长草,也没有树。No grass or trees grow here.

宫殿四周环绕着一条林带。The trees belted the palace.

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请问四周有没有西饼店?Is there a cake shop near by?

这个第四周最后一次课。This is the end of week four.

他的家在火车站四周。Hise is home near the station.

杜丽环顾餐桌四周的我们。Terri looked around the table.

这块地四周都是山。The land is locked with hills.

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四周簇满了蔷薇花的小屋。A cottage embowered with roses.

我能做四周后空翻吗?Can I do a quadruple back flip?

房子的四周都是树。The house was shut in by trees.

大风在房子四周狂吹。The wind raged round the house.

那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄。The horse paced around the ring.

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在这他停下来,看看四周。Here he paused and looked around.

三层檐下,四周有红色廊柱。Yan Xia three-, four red pillars.

这大厦四周的庭园广阔。The mansion has extensive grounds.