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我向系里呈递了辞职书。I filed my resignation with the department.

她已经向警察局呈递了诉状。She has lodged a complaint with the police.

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臣子向帝王呈递的意见书。The opinion book from the vassal to a lord.

今晚我会向国王呈递一份更详细的名单。I am submitting a further list to the King tonight.

矿石中银的配分随着标高变化呈递变现象。The partition of silver in ores shows grading with level.

那位外交大臣向国王呈递了国书。The Foreign Secretary presented his credentials to the king.

改变使用店餐厅时向市建局呈递表格。Prepare and submit drawing to the URA for change of existing use.

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这位新任大使预定于明日呈递国书。The new ambassador is expected to present his credentials tomorrow.

在体内,病毒同MHC1共同呈递That gets presented in the context of MHC1 on cells within your body.

本文就IRIV作为佐剂、流感疫苗和抗原呈递载体的应用进展作一综述。The progress in study on application of IRIV is reviewed in this paper.

议付时我们呈递了清洁装运提单。We surrendered a clean on board bill of lading for negotiation of payment.

竣工图应在启动测试完成后的60天内呈递给所有人。As-built drawings shall be submitted within 60 days after the Start-up tests are completed.

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嗜碱性细胞抗原呈递的新功能激起了最为热烈的讨论。The job attributed to basophils that has spurred the most discussion is presenting antigens.

现在,抗体的产生,仍是源于T淋巴细胞识别出抗原呈递细胞Now, for antibody production it is still a T-cell that recognizes the antigen presenting cell.

检查器出于呈递规则结果数据考虑,可以与任何分析元素联系起来。Viewers can be attached to any analysis element for the purposes of rendering rule result data.

你们的使者若望及阿贝沙隆呈递下附的函件,请求批准所列的事项。John and Absalom, your envoys, have delivered to us your written petitions, asking us to respond.

其能够抑制同种异体的T细胞的应答和修饰抗原呈递细胞的成熟。They are able to suppress allogenic T-cell response and modify maturation of antigen-presenting cells.

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打火机单个的A原型样品或产品模型。3个单独的打火机模型应该和报告一起呈递。A prototype or production unti of the lighter model. 3 lighter units should be sent in with the report.

找到九个数据行的集合,它们在配置股票订阅行为时呈递了不同的字段。Find the set of nine table rows which render the different fields used when configuring a stock subscription.

本发明公开了一种猪用抗原呈递蛋白及其编码基因和应用。The invention discloses an antigen-presenting protein for swines and an encoding gene and application thereof.