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树木和其它植物能看出来干渴。Trees and other plants can look thirsty.

每一次干渴,等于百个湖水。For every thirst , there are a hundred lakes.

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这棵柳树生长在一大片干渴的玉米地中。It is a willow tree alone in acres of dry corn.

可能死于干渴,有新的鬼颜色。Can die from thirst which gives a new ghost color.

孩子们知道干渴是一种什么感受。Your children know what it feels like to be thirsty.

没有雨水,动植物就会干渴而死。Without rain, plants and animals would die of thirst.

沙尘使你喉咙发干,让你感到干渴难忍。Dust dries your throat, leaving an unquenchable thirst.

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人们和农作物越来越感到干渴。The people and their crops get thirstier and thirstier.

如果说水是“新的石油”,那么中国面临着一个干渴的未来。If Water is the "new oil," China faces a thirsty future.

但在当地头领看来,比饥饿可怕百倍的是干渴。Worse than the hunger, say local leaders, is the thirst.

大羊和小绵羊疲倦,饥饿和干渴。Big Sheep and Small Sheep were tired, hungry and thirsty.

当那一刻来临,夜宿松间的我从干渴中醒来。When that hour came to me among the pines, I wakened thirsty.

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当那日,美貌的处女,和少年的男子,必因干渴发昏。In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst.

他使江河变为旷野,叫水泉变为干渴之地。He turned rivers into a desert, flowing springs into thirsty ground

她把葡萄酒,黑红的酒水举到她干渴的嘴上喝起来。She lifted the grapey, dark red juice to her parched mouth and drank.

深井里的水输送给干渴的家畜和焦干的庄稼。Water from deep well is directed to thirsty cattle and parched crops.

我们渴慕公义,会不会像饥饿或干渴的人渴慕食物或水那样迫切呢?Do we want it as much as a hungry or thirsty person wants food or water?

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当这个城市处于干渴状态时,亚特兰大的做法是,求雨。When the city is all but dried up, Atlanta's response is to pray for rain.

当井水满溢,你对干渴的恐惧岂不就是一种无法解脱的干渴?Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?

它是智慧饥饿时的粮食,是讪笑干渴时的饮料。It is food for the hungry of wit and drink to those thirsting for laughter.