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任何人都可以就任何事做出预测。Anybody can predict anything.

西班牙人卡马乔就任中国足球教练。Camacho to coach national soccer team.

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罗兰德。伯瑞斯正式就任联邦参议员。Roland Burris is officially a US senator.

陈博士将于2007年1月4日正式就任。Dr Chan will take office on 4 January 2007.

他就任大法官职务时不带有特定的意识形态。He came to the bench with no particular ideology.

他正式就任州长之职了。He was formally inducted into the office of governor.

杜尔是今年6月8日就任马里总统的。Konare became Mali's President on June 8th this year.

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一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

在他就任的第一年内被暗杀。Assassinated within less than a year of his first term.

一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。A Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

自从李艾科就任后,惠普实验室有什么新变化吗?And what's new at HP Labs since Léo has been on the job?

泰勒在4月6日宣誓就任美国第十任总统。Tyler was sworn-in as the tenth president on April sixth.

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由于黄衫军的示威暴乱,他未经选举就任总理。He rode to office, unelected, thanks to the yellow shirts.

这是德尔罗萨里奥就任外长后首次访华。This will be his first visit to China as Foreign Secretary.

如果这轮谈判成功,那么茨万吉拉伊将宣誓就任总理。If they succeed then Mr. Tsvangirai will be sworn into office.

今天是我就任世卫组织总干事的第19天。Today is my 19th day in office as the Director-General of WHO.

大卫·贝克曼1991年就任“赈济饥民会”的总裁。David Beckmann became president of Bread for the World in 1991.

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张荣胜牧师于04年2月就任堂主任。Rev. Stephen Cheung became our Senior Pastor in February, 2004.

内格罗蓬特于2005年5月开始就任国家情报部门的首任主管。Negroponte became the first head of national intelligence in May 2005.

所有这一切都只发生在布肯南就任前的几个星期里。All this had happened in the few weeks before Buchanan became president.