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那狗抖落掉身上的水珠。The dog shook off the drops of water.

他顿脚以便抖落皮靴上的雪。He stamped his feet to shake off the snow from his boots.

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只要不停地努力,永不言弃,将泥土抖落下来并向上一步,我们便能从最深的井里走出来。We can get out of the deepest wells just by no stopping, never giving up!

进屋前他跺跺脚来抖落靴子上的雪。Before entering the house he stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots.

他们将往一条河里抖落所有的东西,以抚慰在附近颤抖的莫拉皮山。They will toss everything into a river to appease Mount Merapi, rumbling nearby.

然后,取出蜂板并晃动,抖落粘在上面的蜜蜂,放到温暖的房间内。Then they take out the frame, shake off the remaining bees and take it to a warm room.

舍姆森从箱子里抓出一个小口袋,把绳结撕开,把里面的东西都抖落出来。Shemsen snatched the small sack from the crate, tore the knot , and shook the contents out.

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海蒂打开围裙把花朵都抖落在爷爷脚旁。And opening the apron that held her flowers she shook them all out at her grandfather's feet.

所以,元首阁下,行动起来,让我们抖落掉文化的媚外感,让世界变得更美丽。So come on Mr. President, let's shake off this cultural cringe and make the world more beautiful.

如果你每年挣的钱超过六位数,或是无可厚非地希望跻身这一阵营,那就抖落掉简历上的积灰吧。If you make six figures a year, or reasonably hope to move into that league, dust off your resume.

五年后,他将柳树取出,抖落净上面的土壤,发现柳枝重为164磅。After five years he removed the plant, scraped off the soil, and found that it now weighed 164 pounds.

去远足、骑车外出或者任何一种户外活动来抖落那些冬日里的蜘蛛网。Go for a hike or a bike ride or any other fun outdoor activity just to shake off those winter cobwebs.

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宙斯站起身来抖落粪蛋,没留神把鹰卵也抖掉了。Zeus stood up to shake off the dung pellet, and the eggs were thrown to the ground without his thinking.

当T-Bag走近时,他们立即停止了逃狱的话题,T-Bag威胁他们如果不把他算在内,他就把计划抖落出来。All escape talk immediately ceases when T-Bag walks up and threatens to expose the plan if he’s not included.

好心的朋友或家人可能建议我们起床或者去散散步,或者更糟糕的,直接从床上抖落下来-我们不能直接起来!Well-meaning friends or family might advise us to get up and take a walk, or worse, shake it off- and we can't!

只消稍稍贿赂她们一下,就可以叫她们抖落出彼此所有各种各样的事情来,无论是真是假。A little bribe was all it took to get them to spill all kinds of things about each other, whether true or false.

想象你在抓握下一个点之前抖落手上的汗水-那就是你要做的动作。Visualize flicking water off your fingers or hand as you reach for the next hold — that’s the motion you are after.

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当每一铲土落在驴子的背上的时候,它都会将土抖落,然后站在新的土层上。While every shovelful of dirt hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt.

说着,他步入园中,用力摇动一棵树,抖落一地金色、红色的树叶。Meanwhile, he was stepped into the garden and shook the tree with much strength as the golden and red leaves falling down.

在树林里也是一样,人们抖落岁月如蛇脱旧皮,无论身处生命的哪一阶段,都会心如孩童。In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough , and at what period soever of life, is always a child.