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这种磷肥的主要原料就是磷灰石。The main material of the phosphate fertilizer is apatite.

钾肥和锌肥的施用,有利于甜菜对磷肥和氮肥的利用。Applying of K and Zn was favourable for the utilization of P and N.

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磷肥施用量对红龙果果实总产量有显著影响。Effects of phosphate significantly affected fruit yield and number of cladodes.

尽管如此,在某些情况下,仍推荐磷肥条施。Nevertheless, in some areas, banding of phosphate has continued to be recommended.

磷矿是生产磷肥的主要原料。Phosphate rock is the major raw material in the production of Phosphate fertilizer.

只要施入较少的磷肥,就能达到各供试土壤林木生长所需要的适宜浓度。A little phosphorus fertilizer is required in soils then forest can have normal growth.

磷石膏综合利用是磷肥行业节能减排工作的重点和难点。The comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum is fundamental to energy and waste control.

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我国在大量出口磷矿的同时,却从国外大量进口磷肥。While exporting Phosphate rock in huge volume, China imports great sum of Phosphate fertilizer.

对于活性高的磷矿粉可以采用直接施用的方法,其肥效甚至可以和水溶性磷肥相当。For PR with high reactivity, the direct application of PR is equivalent to water-soluble phosphate.

钙镁磷肥、胡敏酸互作可增加土壤残渣态铅的含量。Mutual effects of calcium magnesium phosphate and humic acid enhance residual lead contents in soil.

他在营养液中分两个用量三个发育阶段施入磷肥。He applied phosphate fertilizer in nutrient solution at two levels and at three stages of development.

“天脊”牌硝酸磷肥集“中国驰名商标”和“中国名牌产品”于一身。"The days ridge" brand nitric acid phosphate set "China famous brand" and "China famous brand product".

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增施磷肥红壤根际有效态铅、镉的活性降低。The availabilities of Pb and Cd in rhizosphere of red soil would drop with adding phosphatic fertilizer.

因此,高效磷肥在雷州半岛地区有广阔的应用前景。Therefore, high efficient phosphoric fertilizers had wide prospects of application in Leizhou Peninsula.

灭螺肥料以溴乙酰胺和碳酸氢铵、钙镁磷肥、氯化钾充分搅拌混合而成。Molluscacide fertilizer is a mixture of bromoacetamide, NH4HCO3, fused calcium-magnesium phosphate and KCl.

相关分析表明,在褐潮土上增施磷肥和有机肥对提高玉米产量具有重要的作用。The phosphorus fertilizer and farmyard manure had the best effects on maize yield in Drab Fluvo-aquic soil.

阐述了利用磷肥副产氟硅酸制备氟硼酸的新工艺。Process for the preparation of fluoboric acid from fluosilicic acid, a byproduct of phosphate was introduced.

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非洲仍将是磷肥的主要出口国,其氮肥的出口量将增加,但是其钾肥将全部进口。Africa will remain a major phosphate exporter and increase nitrogen exports while importing all of its potash.

单施氮、磷肥或氮磷混施在严重水分亏缺时能明显提高春小麦幼苗叶片POD、CAT的活性。Nitrogen, and phosphorus nutrition can improve the activities of POD and CAT of SWS under severe water stress.

在石灰性土中,钙镁磷肥比过磷酸钙稍差,但二者未达显著差异。However, the Ca-Mg-P was slightly inferior to calcium superphosphate, but no significant difference was showed.