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我是巴东县委书记陈行甲。I Badong county party secretary Chen row A.

第二天,我见到了他们县委书记。The next day, I saw them county wei secretary.

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二则是中共莱芜县委诞生地。The two is the birthplace of Laiwu CPC committee.

中共红安县委书记熊良霄说。Hongan CPC Committee Secretary Xiongliang Xiao said.

县委委员在一墟落市肆的柜台边遇到了管帐师。The county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop.

县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了。The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience.

怀仁县委、县政府有关领导致辞祝贺。Huairen Xian committee, the county government, to congratulate the leadership of speech.

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县委委员在一乡村商店的柜台边碰到了会计师。The county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop.

当时交通站的负责人是县委宣传干事李联奎。At that time, the responsible person of the station was Li Liankui, the communication chief.

1991年7月,在和尚洞下建立了县委成立旧址纪念碑。In 1991 July, the monk hole was established under the county committee set up site monument.

焦裕禄同志是干部的好楷模、人民的好公仆、县委书记的好榜样。Jiao Yulu, a model of cadre, public servant and good example of the country party Secretaries.

李说,那是机要地区,县委驻地也在此处。That area also houses the Communist Party committee building, which was almost gutted, Li said.

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你好!我看到了陕西府谷县警民冲突的消息,前几天还发生过贵州瓮安民众烧砸县委县政府及县公安局事件。I just have the news that there was a conflict between civilian and police in Fugu county, Shanxi Pro.

马县长做了县委书记了,他批评了陈响随便乱认亲。Horse head made of secretary of county Party committee, he criticized Chen Xiang casually relationship with him.

海北州尼玛州长及祁连县县委书记、县长到公司调研工作。Nyima Haibei state governor and the Qilian county party committee secretary of the county, the county's research.

也就是在这个场合,县委主要负责人称,泗洪县现有1500辆高档轿车。It is on this occasion, county Party committee is mainly responsible for the author, Sihong county has 1500 luxury cars.

县委书记、县长在推进新农村建设中肩负着重大责任。County committee secretaries and county heads shoulder the grave responsibility for prodding new countryside construction.

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1993年刘日担任任无极县委书记期间,全县实现了经济和社会的大发展。Liu 1985-1993 term as county party committee secretary of the non-polar, the county has a large economic and social development.

县委党校组成宣传小组,到每个乡镇进行解放思想的专题宣讲。County Party Committee Party School of Communications Group, to each township to the topic of emancipating the mind of propaganda.

当地县委宣传部门称,确有其人,但具体情况不清楚。The local county party committee propagandizes the department saying that really has its person, but the special details are not clear.