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我决不再是无可指摘的了。I never can be blameless.

但是却是无可否认的。But there is no denying it.

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“你无可救药了,”鲍勃说。“You’re hopeless,” Bob said.

你是唯一的,无可取代。You are unique, irreplaceable.

她的能力是无可否认的。There is no gainsaying her ability.

上帝,他是无可救药地过时了。My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date.

一个优秀的团队是无可取代的。There is no substitute for an A-team.

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知识是无可取代的。There is no substitute for knowledge.

身为凯撒妻,必须无可疑。Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.

我已经无可救药的爱上了非洲的阳光!I absolutely love the light in Africa!

我对他的工作无可挑剔。I have no fault to find with his work.

他的卑鄙行为无可掩饰。Nothing can extenuate his base conduct.

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他无可救药地认为自己是拿破仑。He just insanely believes he's Napoleon.

这些劳作和时间无可取代。There is no substitute for work and time.

两个句子,无可否认的,真成对。Two sentences, admittedly, but what a pair.

父无可考或生父未认领,母为外国人者。Father is not known and mother is foreigner.

她那无可指摘的行为、品行等。Her unexceptionable behaviour, conduct, etc.

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可是谁能想到这样一笔暴富之源让以色列无可避免的深感头疼。But such bonanzas inevitably bring headaches.

无可否认,我真希望他们能像英格兰一样踢球。I hope they can play like the England I know.

问题的规模无可否认。There is no denying the scale of the problem.