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这四个人是用这个字号露面的。These four men were known under this title.

文本的字体、字号和颜色应符合阅读习惯。Text font, size, and colour should be readable.

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大标题的字号介于17至25像素之间。headlines have the font size between 17 and 25px.

解决商标权与字号权冲突的根本途径是预防。The basic way to solve the conflict is to prevent.

您可能需要增大字号的大小。You will probably have to increase the type size significantly.

公募基金会的名称可以不使用字号。The name of a public offering foundation may not use a trade name.

综合考虑目标用户的特点,确定字号。Always keeping target user segment in mind while deciding the font-size.

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唐代以后文人画的兴盛又使之为书画家个人字号所用。It turned into sign of calligraphers and painters after the Tang Dynasty.

三是字体、字号、界行间距的选择和把握。Thirdly, font, characters, the spacing of boundary are chosen and grasped.

现在,如果我们改变父级的字号,按钮的尺寸就会随之变化。Now if I change the parent font size, the button will instantly become bigger.

大多数人会选择比现有版本默认提供的字号小得多的字体。Most will like something that is a big smaller than what is currently being offered.

一旦你学会了如何更改字体字号,你就能对随心所欲的调整它们了。You can do whatever you want with fonts once you learn how to change or adjust them.

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同时,请注意他们是如何运用字号大小来凸显推荐商品的。Notice how the font-size is used to make the different pricing plans more distinctive.

高启是明初最著名的诗人,其字号、籍贯和家族成员是研究其生平的基础资料。His name, birth place and family members are the basic resources to study his whole life.

白豹携偷来的“地”字号的宝藏,进入上海,暗中支持肖家的敌手们。Bai Bao with stolen treasure to font size, into Shanghai, implicit backing home shaw fors.

我们的结论是似乎大标题使用17-25像素的字号是最佳选择。We conclude that it seems to work best to use headlines with the font size between 17 and 25px.

这是北京一家“庄”字号的鸽哨,做工精细,生意悦耳,色泽亮丽。This is Beijing a "village" Size of the whistles, fine workmanship, business sweet, bright color.

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确保字体、字号、对齐符合写作规范。Make sure the fonts, alignment and the size of the type meet the requirements of writing standards.

如果您希望设定这些值,您必须先移掉该行首的井字号。If you wish to set such a key you must first remove the leading hash mark that marks it as a comment.

我想要说的第二件事是,这个小斜杠或者是井字号,这是用来标注注释的。Second thing I want to note is, the little hash mark or the pound sign, that's identifying a comment.