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就像是病毒。Ithas like a virus.

传播这个克隆病毒!Send in the Cloner!

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接种轮状病毒疫苗。rotavirus vaccination.

可是病毒怎么办?But what about viruses?

什么是肠病毒?What are enteroviruses?

要先把病毒给杀了。At first kill the virus.

指的是电脑病毒。Computer virus, that is.

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这是一个后门病毒。This is a postern virus.

这是消灭病毒的一个环节,对吧That's part of it, right?

要先把病毒给杀了。At Number1 kill the virus.

有些病毒也会做好事。Some viral proteins do good.

还没有丙肝病毒疫苗。There is no vaccine for HCV.

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而且病毒有抗药性。And there is drug-resistance.

什么是疫苗衍生的脊髓灰质炎病毒?What is vaccine-derived polio?

腮腺巨细胞病毒感染。CMV infection of parotid gland.

软性下疳由病毒所引起。Chancroid is caused by a virus.

病毒能否被阻止?Lovebug Can viruses be stopped?

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疱疹病毒通过体液传播。HSV spreads through body fluids.

如何预防疱疹病毒的传播How To Avoid Spreading the Virus

大多数病毒都能经受冻干。Most viruses can be lyophilized.