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验证是否给出了该单词释义。Verify that the definition is present.

如果大家再查一下,会找到更好的释义。If you look further, you'll find better definitions.

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不过,谷歌如今已成为了我们的释义数据库。These days, however, Google is our database of meaning.

这部词典里的释义简明扼要。The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.

发布了52条播客之后,他业已完成了该小说第一章的释义。Fifty-two podcasts later, he has reached the end of Chapter One.

典故的翻译,可以采用释义、加注、异化法。We can use paraphrases, notes and alienation to handle allusion.

下列释义,适用于本分章For purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply

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所谓择义恰当,我是说要读所有的释义而不只是头一个释义。By wisely I mean to read all the meanings instead of the first meaning.

到了夜里,他听得到一阵深沉的、带有一丝鬼蜮色彩的声音,那声音正在慢慢的朗读词典中单词的释义。At night he hears a deep, disembodied voice slowly intoning definitions.

这是它的一种释义,我认为这个释义在这里是恰当的That's one of its meanings and I think it's the meaning that's relevant here.

现代辞书若能关照这种系统,在系统中收词释义,可能会有更大进展。The modern dictionaries may be evolved if explaining words in synonyms system.

因此,我们提出通过统一同义动词释义中的类词语来研究动词释义元语言。We suggest that we unify the class words of synonym in the study of meta-language.

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另一种释义则是,兔子之所以会失掉比赛是因为他自己的过度自满。Another interpretation is that the hare loses the race because he is overconfident.

第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary.

它是说,在理解文章时,我们在试着给它释义,并掌握它。What it means is that in understanding a text, we are attempting to grasp it in paraphrase.

释义,意义用其它形式或词语来重述一篇课文或文章的语句,通常用以阐释意义。A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.

自古以来关于“风马牛不相及”的释义就聚讼纷纷,到底孰是孰非?There are various opinions to the runaway livestock would not reach each other since time immemorial.

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只有这样才会有更多的时间去寻找诠释那一滴泪的真正释义。Thirdly, only such ability can have more time to find the real interpretation that tear paraphrasing.

对于这个新释义的第一个例证来自于另一个僧侣写的另一首诗。The first citation for this new perspective comes to us from yet another monk writing yet another poem.

释义学音乐哲学是当代西方相当有影响力的一支音乐哲学流派。Interpretation of contemporary Western music philosophy is a very influential genre of music philosophy.