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抚恤死难工家属的基金会即将建立起来。A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.

孙皓初立时,抚恤人民、开仓赈贫。Early immediate, compassionate people, the poor relief opening.

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对工人工伤,许多工厂都抚恤赔偿。Many factories compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.

国家和社会保障残废军人的生活,抚恤烈士家属,优待军人家属。The state and society ensure the livelihood of disabled members of the armed forces

古庆复让元肃整理出受伤人员的名单,对他们进行抚恤。GuQing after let yuan against sorting out the list of the injured, for their pension.

抚恤基金企望高回报,这一不争的事实应该让政客们暂缓一下了。The fact that pension funds are hoping for high returns should make politicians pause.

政府礼葬死亡将士,抚恤其家属。The government ritual buries died generals and the soldiers, comforts them family member.

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抚恤基金不致老是队现金支票突然取回并且是流动资产最好的家。Pension funds are less prone to sudden withdrawals of cash and are the best homes for illiquid assets.

也许当初对于某些投资者,譬如抚恤基金投资者等,一定得购买最佳债券才是有意义的。Perhaps back then it made sense for some investors, such as pension funds, to be obliged to buy top-rated bonds.

唐山成立了支援灾区的突击队,网友们成立了抚恤孤儿的联络站。Tangshan disaster areas to set up the support of the commandos, Internet users set up a pension of the focal points of orphans.

政府主要通过赐爵、提高其社会地位以及物质赏赐等形式对伤亡士兵及其家属进行抚恤。The government compensated them through various ways, such as rewarding the rank of nobility, enhancing social status and material reward.

买方分析师则受雇于大型的机构投资人,像共同基金、避险基金以及抚恤基金等,来管理其投资组合。Buy-side analysts are employed by large institutional investors, such as mutual funds, hedge funds and pension funds, to manage investment portfolios.

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对参与防治工作发生疾病、残疾、死亡的人员,给予相应的补助和抚恤。For those who fall ill or are disabled or die in the Prophylaxis and treatment of SARS, allowances and consolation money shall be granted correspondingly.

优抚即优待抚恤之意,主要是对保卫国家的将士及其家属进行物质优待和精神抚慰,为历代统治者所重视。All previous rulers paid much attention to the preferential material and spiritual treatments to the servicemen and their families defending their country.

但待遇、退休、抚恤、离职、资遣、保险部分之施行日期,由行政院以命令定之。However, the implementation date of the payment, retirement, consolation, separation, severance, and insurance part shall be ordained by the Executive Yuan.

代理人比他们的客户——抚恤基金和退休投资者等等——掌握更多信息,而且这两者的利益常常是没有联系的。The agents have better information than their clients—pension funds, retail investors and the rest—and the interests of the two groups are often not aligned.

萨默斯经常在各类会议上发表演讲,周旋于公共抚恤基金、资助基金,以及其他拥有数十亿美元投资额度的大型机构的官员之间。He spoke at industry conferences, mixing with officials from public pension funds, endowments and other large institutions with many billions of dollars to invest.

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我同意战争纪念碑应该得到修建,不过与其在战争纪念碑上铺张浪费,倒不如把这笔钱用于抚恤战争寡妇和老兵。I agree that war memorials should be built but instead of expending extravagant money on memorials that money should be spent on taking care of war widows & war veterans.

如果一个穆斯林女性职员的丈夫去世,她将享有4个月零10天,共130个公历日的全薪抚恤假。In case of death of the husband of a Muslim female employee, she will be entitled to 4 months and 10 days, a total of 130 calendar days, compassionate Iddah leave with full pay.

四次提高重点优抚对象的抚恤补助标准,统筹解决退役军人实际困难。The standards for financial aid to key entitled groups were increased four times, and plans were implemented to resolve the practical problems of demobilized military personnel.