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从而保持眇小瓦楞纸不活的套色和盒型的安定性。Finy corrugated in order to maintain color and box type.

你喜欢这些套色木版画吗?。This is a picture printed in colours from wooden blocks.

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你喜欢这些套色木版画吗?。Do you like the pictures printed in colours from wooden blocks?

套色玻璃把我们同司机隔了开来。There's a tinted glass window that separates us from the driver.

北大荒版画基本上是套色木刻。Most of the woodblock prints of the Northeast are colored woodcuts.

操作简单方便,套色准确,使用寿命长。The operation is simple, color register is accurate, service life is long.

本机用于铝、铅类软管的四套色图案印刷。The machine for aluminium, lead the four categories hose chromatography logo printing.

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任何织印效果,都要受到套色的限制。Effect of any Indian organization, would be subject to the restrictions chromatography.

一次印刷多色,无须套色,完美的颜色过渡,惊人的印刷效果。Multicolor printing no chromatography needed perfect color transition alarming printing results.

钢制印刷平台,X轴、Y轴向精密微调手柄,套色对版方便。Steel printing platform, X-axis, Y axis precision fine-tuning the handle, easy version of the Register.

手工刻花和套色工艺是我们的巧匠们的得意之作,也是我们引以为荣之处。Hand-engraving and cased-process that are the finest creations of our craftsmen, but also we are proud of.

无轴传动技术是套色控制未来发展的方向。Shaftless driving technology will be the developing direction of the color register control in the future.

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印刷机械套色系统的精度对印刷质量有很大的影响。The precision of chromatography system has important influence on the printing quality of printing machine.

一印头对应三台板组合,最大限度提高使用效率,套色较少时可实现一机多用。Combination of one printing head to three bedplate could improve be used all-purpose with little chromatically.

论文介绍了用以太网实现无轴传动的套色控制系统。The article introduces a kind of color register control system, which realizes shaftless driving with Ethernet.

并与现有的国产三套色印花机相比较,总结了该四套色印花机的主要特点及优势。They compare it with existing printing-machine, summarize the advantages of the printing-machine in this paper.

本课题研究以太网技术在凹版印刷自动套色系统中的应用。The application of Ethernet technique in the automatic intaglio printing system has been illustrated in this subject.

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可依客户需要装配伺服电机,制造全自动套色多色印刷机。Based on customers' demands, servomotors can be assembled to the machine to make an automatically chromatical multi-color press.

武强年画是用梨木刻版、采用黑、红、绿、黄、紫、粉几套色水印的木版画。Wuqiang New Year is the version of pear wood, the use of black, red, green, yellow, purple, pink color sets wood engraving watermark.

二是套色剪纸,一股用于宫廷、商铺子的大窗或厅堂和门面的窗户。The second type is multi-color paper-cuts which are applied to huge windows of royal court and shops or windows of hall and shop front.