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旧社会暗无天日。The old society was an abyss of darkness.

写作,是以场暗无天日的自杀。Writing, is to complete darkness to suicide.

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满天都是小星星?是暗无天日的蝙蝠洞!A starlit sky? No, it's a lightless bat cave!

梅金将被丢进暗无天日的地牢。Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness.

永恒之爱是座潮湿压抑,暗无天日的地牢,我从中逃了出来,永生自由。I am free forever from the damp, dark prison of eternal love.

就像一段暗无天日的感情,终见不得半分阳光。Like a complete darkness feelings, the end of not half sunshine.

这些狭窄的街巷被贵族家庭的高塔遮得暗无天日。The narrow streets were darkened with the high towers of the nobles.

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你曾经有过暗无天日的工作像电影里的卫斯理吗?。Did you ever have a dull, dead-end job like Wesley does in the movie?

这也意味着它的另一面永远暗无天日。This means that the far side of the planet is constantly in darkness.

这些被爱情左右的岁月,是我人生最暗无天日的日子。These years that I have been in love have been the darkest days of my life.

他经常生活在暗无天日的环境中,如同一个盲人或梦游者一样瞎摸瞎撞。He dwelt habitually in this shadow, feeling his way like a blind man and a dreamer.

我老姊为了一朵蘑菇而错怪我。她把我关在暗无天日的地方,喂我吃狗屎。My sister has mistaken me for a mushroom. She keeps me in the dark and feeds me shit.

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评论家妮尔·米诺说电影反映了“恶老板下台前那暗无天日的时光”。Nell Minow, a critic, says the film reflects "the bitterness of the post-meltdown era".

吸血鬼乌贼对于这种潜藏在暗无天日的深海的生物来说是个恰如其分的名字。Vampire squid is an apt name for a creature that lurks in the lightless depths of the ocean.

让爱长存心间。没有爱的生活就像百花凋零,暗无天日的花园。Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

如果你坚持要在私下里讨论流产,那你是在强迫女性重新退回到暗无天日的生活之中。If you insist on keeping the word private, you force the experience of women back into darkness.

他们不少人就是在这种暗无天日的岁月中,饱尝辛酸地度过了大半生。Those are days of darkness, when many of them spent most of their lives enduring all kinds of hardships.

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这场交易中,微软又插了一手。我们许愿它不会再引起一场暗无天日的专利之争吧。With Microsoft having a hand in this deal, let's hope this won't end up causing another boatload of patent lawsuits.

如果哪天科学无赖,阴谋家,吝啬鬼和狂热分子取而代之,人类将面临暗无天日的世界。It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards, conspirators, churls, and fanatics manage to supplant him.

过去的叙利亚意味着数以千计的政治犯被关在暗无天日的监狱和拘留所里数十年。The forgotten Syria meant thousands of political prisoners packed for decades inside the darkness of prisons and detention centers.