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主动权已转到我方。The initiative has passed to us.

我希望你们掌握主动权。I want you to take ownership of it.

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你要在一个错误上要掌握主动权!You’re a master at making mistakes!

主动权已转到了我们一方。I wish my son would show a bit more initiative.

营销创新,自建联销体,获得市场主动权。An innovative model---Joint Sales Body, strong control power.

你的老板想看到你掌握了主动权。Employers want to see you are taking the initiative yourself.

所以我们真的希望学生们,能够获得主动权。And so we wanted the students to really be the drivers behind that.

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然而,该组的主动权也许正掌握在说葡语的那些国家手中。Rather, the group may be decided by the Portuguese-speaking nations.

我的意思是我希望你们掌握住,学习的主动权。What I mean by that is I want you to take ownership of your learning.

你这就已经在驱逐烦恼了,的确,烦恼还会来的,但是你没让烦恼占有主动权。Yes, you’re going to come back to it, but you didn’t let it take over.

但是要想获得有效的风险管理,整个董事会都需要全程掌握主动权。But for risk management to be effective, the entire board needs to own the process.

我们打客场遇到一些问题,当我们想方设法要控制主动权时。We have a few problems playing away from San Siro, when we struggle to take control.

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快乐麦肯掌控快乐主动权,握住欲望的闸门口,筑堤蓄水。Happy Happy McCann control initiative, desire to hold the gate mouth water embankment.

此时,我们想你完全失控,然后我们将会想要掌握主动权。We want to you to completely lose control and wewant to be the guy who took it from you.

这样当事情都堆到一起的时候,你就能获得更多的主动权,从而也减轻了很多压力。So when things together, you can get more initiative, which will reduce a lot of pressure.

城市资源中心第一个主要主动权是成为日后研究和辩护工作的范例。The URC's first major initiative became a model for its future research and advocacy work.

由于将军未能当机立断,我军已丧失了对敌采取行动的主动权。Because of the general's indecisiveness , our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy.

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如果西方的娱乐产品不能广泛传播,他们或许会赢得主动权。If Western entertainment were no longer widely available, they might regain the initiative.

以此工程记录作为索赔证据,就可以拥有主动权、有理有节地向业主索赔、并获得成功。The record can be taken as claim evidence to set up a claim to proprietary to acquire success.

认识到了利害关系,奥巴马总统一直在为一项秋季战略做准备,以重获主动权。Recognizing the stakes, Mr. Obama has worked on a strategy for autumn to regain the initiative.