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不多不少,捏成两个泥人。No less, knead into two clay figurine.

铁有生命的泥人现在和运动员被救出。Iron Golems are now saved with the player.

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这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。The clay figure is a work of great originality.

这里的女子被称为“红泥人”。The woman here is called " red clay figurine ".

在今年初,我们决定拍泥人动画片。In the beginning of the year, we decided to do claymation.

我们有剪纸,刺绣,捏泥人和篆刻。We've got paper-cutting, embroidery, clay dolls and seal carving.

我们让孩子们动手做东西,比如泥人、积木和纸玩具。We allow children to construct objects in clay, wood blocks and paper.

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在这里,一到农闲季节,几乎家家都作泥人。In the slack seasons, nearly all families in Wuxi stayed at home to make clay figurines.

欣赏到了泥人、面塑等各种非物质文化遗产项目的展览展示。Enjoy the clay figurine, figurines and other items of non-material cultural heritage exhibitions.

有许多人专门从事泥人制作,作为商品出售。Many people were specially engaged in the production of clay figurines and sold them as commodity.

如果上帝满意他的创造,就给泥人签上自己的名字,让他变成真人。If God approved of His creation, He brought the painted clay model into life by signing His own name.

惠山泥人采用惠山附近特有的一种土质细腻纯净,可塑性极佳的黑土捏制而成。The black and sticky local soil has been used to make clay figurines, and the process has three steps.

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虽然泥人和面人制作粗糙,但人物姿态夸张、色彩明亮,颇受大众喜爱。Though crudely made, these clay and dough toys are much liked for their exaggerated postures and bright colors.

惠山泥人,是一种植根于民间、取材于民间又为群众所喜闻乐见的传统民间工艺,品类众多,样式繁杂。As a type of traditional folk art, Huishan clay figurine comes from among the people and is very popular as well.

每逢过年,在庙会和集市上,人们托个盘子,盘子里放着自己作的泥人到处叫卖。At festivals, temple fairs and market fairs, many people sold these clay figurines which were attached to plates.

惠山泥人造型丰满、简练,夸大头部,着重刻画表情。Huishan clay figurines are short in stature, full with big heads, and their facial expressions are vividly depicted.

就像拿着泥人,把它们一点一点地摆弄然后再一个镜头一个镜头地拍成电影。You know, just the idea of taking clay figures and moving them bit by bit by bit by bit and then filming shot per shot.

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很多东西。中国山水画。泥人。印章。潍坊年画和很多剪纸!A lot of stuffs. Chinese mountain-water paintings, clay figurines, seals, Weifang New Year pictures, and many paper cuts!

捏泥人和面人的人大多数是农民。农闲时,他们捏出简单但又有趣的玩具,摆在市场上卖。Clay and dough modelers are mostly peasants who make simple but attractive toys in the slack season to be sold at markets.

有一次,我经过淄河的时候,梦里听见一个泥人和个木偶在河边谈话。Once when I was passing the Zi River, I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank.