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酷酷的真言真语?Cool or True?

他有个一字真言,“可扩展的”。His one-word mantra is “scalable.”

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假舌不会吐真言。B false tongue will hardly speak truth.

詹姆士希望自己能在会议上吐真言。James wishes he could speak his mind at meetings.

利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言The sayings of King Lemuel-an oracle his mother taught him

使用这个网络联合销售的真言而后您将成功!Make this your affiliate business mantra and you will succeed!

由于千千万万只手在真言之口伸来伸去,这张大嘴已被磨得光滑。The mouth has been polished by thousands of hand go through it.

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梵语的真言也是一种基于声音的神秘能量。Sanskrit mantra is a mystical energy encased in a sound structure.

他说,真言“就像粪堆里的钻石一样被埋藏着”。The true words, he said, were "imbedded as diamonds in dunghills."

利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言。The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.

他补充说,“我还喜欢这句真言,‘山达基让能干的人更加能干。’”He added, “I also liked the motto, ‘Scientology makes the able more able.

所以造假酒的人注意了哦,即使是原子也会酒后吐真言的。So beware wine scammers. Because even at the atomic level, in vino veritas.

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我一遍一遍地提到这个海报,因此这个海报成为我们班的真言之一。I referred to this poster over and over again and it became one of our class mantras.

“唵嘛呢叭咪吽”用打字机打印的英文六字真言是最珍贵的礼物。"Om mane padme hum", written in English on a typewriter was the most valued gift of all.

如果你能忍受有这样的无赖,歪曲你的口吐真言蒙骗笨汉If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

好了,现在点击连接来告诉我们你关于母亲或母爱的“六字真言”吧。And now, tell us about your mom or motherhood with your six-word Momoir by clicking on the link.

那一天,我闭目在经殿香雾中,蓦然听见你颂经中的真言。That day, I meditated amidst the incense in the temple, suddenly I heard your voice in chanting.

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这是真言器。它诉说真相。至于如何读它,你得学习一下。It is the Alethiometer. It tells the truth. As for how to read it, you'll have to learn by yourself.

利用机会将他灌醉,以观察他醉后的态度。酒后吐真言,在不设防的情况下,你能看出此人的真象。Make him drunk to watch his attitude, since a man can tell the truth without disguising when being drunk.

人们相信诵读这些真言能够产生有魔力的声音,可以在宇宙中震荡回响。They reciting of the mantras is believed to create a magical sound that reverberates through the universe.