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这些恶梦正在消退。Those nightmares are fading.

因为我知道激情还没有消退。Cause i know this flame isnt dying.

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猪流感的威胁或许会很快消退。The swine-flu threat may fade quickly.

这一切在黄昏不合时宜地消退。Vanish h'd unseasonably at shut of eve.

明亮的灯光也许会消退睫毛膏。Bright lights can make mascara run, too!

工作记忆的消退有多快?How quickly does working memory degrade?

她肩膀的疼痛最后消退了。The pain in her shoulder finally abated.

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警觉性消退,心情平伏。Your alertness fades, and your mood dips.

哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么样?会消退吧?Oh yeah. What Scars do? They fade I guess?

哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么样赛尔号盖亚?会消退吧?Oh, yeah. What Scars do? They fade I gue ?

哦,对哦,那伤痕会肿么?会消退吧?Oh, yeah. What Scars do? They fade I guess?

在强化消失后是否也会发生消退?wouldn't there be extinction after a while?

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但是暴力和好奇很快地消退。But the violence and interest soon subsided.

肌肉痛可持续、加剧或消退。Muscle pain may persist, worsen, or subside.

云里雾里的这种感觉正在消退。The “fog of brain” is continuing to subside.

消退之前疹子可持续1-5天。The rash lasts one to five days before fading

当冰盖从北美大陆上消退时,这些动物统治了整片大陆,其中甚至包括越野车大小的巨型树獭。Among them were giant sloths the size of SUVs.

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该地以祥和的气氛取代了逐渐消退的庄严。The place has a gracious air of faded grandeur.

此刻的大地闪着微光慢慢消退。Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight.

冰川消退能触发北美洲的地震吗?。Can deglaciation trigger earthquakes in N. America?