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它们是计程车。It is taxi.

它们用的是声呐。It is sonar.

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剔除他它们Delete those.

他把它们堆起来。He piled them.

把它们都列出来。List them all.

把它们堆起来!Stack them up!

为什么省略它们?Why omit them?

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为它们争辩。Argue for them.

但是它们很重要。But it matters.

培育它们。Cultivate them.

它们全是名词。It’s all nouns.

因此请宠爱它们。So pamper them.

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它们也有费用。They have fees.

它们是相交的。They intersect.

它们太棒了。They're awesome.

当然它们也非常赏心悦目。Also very pretty.

它们整日繁忙。And they’re busy.

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它们是虫豸吗?Are They Insects?

它们是龙眼吗?Are they longans?

它们是小猪吗?Are they piglets?