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一些断壁残垣仍在危险地竖立着。Apartment blocks still standing list dangerously.

眨一下眼睛看看所有东西只剩断壁残垣。Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins.

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时至今日,罗马依然是古代的世界中心,那里散布的断壁残垣使人浮想联翩。Today, Rome is still the center of the ancient world, littered with evocative remains.

断壁残垣下久久传来一名女同教撕心裂肺的哭喊!Next came a long smoldering rubble a female classmate tore heart crack lung of crying! ! ! ! !

照片显示,克赖斯特彻奇城内到处是断壁残垣,部分建筑完全损毁。Photo shows, Christchurch city are everywhere, partly damaged buildings completely smoldering rubble.

图为新西兰第二大城市克莱斯特彻奇发生里氏6.3级地震,搜救人员在断壁残垣中寻找生还者。Rescue workers searched for survivors through debris in Christchurch, New Zealand, after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake.

最近一次拽着那条已荒废的木链往上攀爬时,看到老树屋的“断壁残垣”,我很是惊讶。Pulling my way up the rusty log chain for the very last time, it was surprising anything remained of the old treehouse.

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当时的高昌是丝绸路上的一个重镇,今天,游历故城,见断壁残垣,砖石瓦片,可以想见昔日繁华。Gaochang was the Silk Road was a town, today, traveled Old City, see the ruins, masonry tiles, you can imagine that in former days.

然而,它们的生命到了尽头,温馨甜蜜的家园如今空余犹存过去原貌的断壁残垣。However, their lives have come to an end, and the real sweet homes are now nothing but the shabby remnants of what they used to be.

你的眼前是火光冲天的断壁残垣,你的耳边是金戈铁马的呼号和远古巨龙低掠时的长啸。Buildings catch fire and burn before your eyes, and the cries of battle mingle with the shrieks of the proto-dragons flying low overhead.

秋天的寒气已经把它的叶子从藤上打落,只剩下主要的枝条几乎是光秃秃地爬在这断壁残垣上。The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung , almost bare, to the crumbling bricks.

在这条维护良好的车道上行至中途,你将看见断壁残垣,它包围着蒙塔纳酒店的废墟,地震时有60人葬身于此。Around halfway up the well-maintained carriageway you reach broken walls, enclosing what is left of the Montana hotel, where 60 people died.

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星期四,阿拉巴马州伯明翰附近,在龙卷风摧毁了欢乐林的很多房屋后的第二天,一间厨房的断壁残垣暴露在外。Remains of a kitchen lie exposed on Thursday, a day after a tornado destroyed this house and others in Pleasant Grove, near Birmingham, Alabama.

该项目混合了一些散布在花园、道路、溪流等处的断壁残垣作为设计元素。The intervention in Belvís park had incorporated the remains of several buildings and walls that lined gardens, roads, brooks, etc. as structuring elements.

时间能改变一切。昔日坚实的石桥如今也会成为断壁残垣,昔日平坦的大道如今也会成为坑洼之路。Time can change everything. Former solid stone bridge now also can become former royal road smoldering rubble now also can become the road certainly some pits.

古民居鳞次栉比,虽历经风雨,渐显颓唐,甚至许多房屋只余下断壁残垣,却仍让游者深感其往日的辉煌。Row upon row ancient residential areas reveal its dejection after storm and many houses left the rubble and debris only, but tourists still can tell its glorious past.

阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜在阿布阿兹亚宫会见了卡扎菲,这座宫殿曾在1986年的美国空袭中被毁,那断壁残垣最为西方侵略的印记被保留下来。Here, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner visits Qaddafi at the Bab Azizia palace, which was destroyed in a 1986 U.S. air raid and left in ruins as a reminder of Western aggression.

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他们撤掉了大部分持枪者,但医院、学校和卫生部门仍然陷于停顿,营地的断壁残垣很容易让人想起伊斯兰党的残忍不仁。They removed most of their gunmen, but the hospital, the school, and the sanitation departments remained at a standstill, the camp’s wreckage a reminder of Hizbul Islam’s unimaginable cruelty.

古埃及遗留下来的断壁残垣,表明当时就有专用浴室。而瓶绘和修复的古建筑遗址说明古希腊人认为沐浴很重要。Architectural remains from ancient Egypt indicate the existence of special bathrooms, and both vase paintings and restored ruins show that the Greeks of classical antiquity thought the bath important.