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而今的中国,综合国力显著增强,人民生活总体上达到小康水平。China's national strength has grown remarkably and the people are better off.

——这五年,我国社会生产力、综合国力显著提高。The country’s productive forces and overall national strength improved significantly.

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中国的综合国力进一步增强,人民生活进一步改善。The comprehensive national strength of China enhanced, and people's living stander improved.

国家利益的界定与实现取决于一国的综合国力。The definition and realization of national interests depend on a country's over-all national strength.

中国的社会生产力和综合国力实现了历史性跨越。China's social productivity and comprehensive national strength have achieved historic leaps and bounds.

不可否认,汉语热的出现是我国综合国力不断增强的表现。Undoubtedly, the emergence of such a craze is the manifestation of our growing overall national strength.

中国的综合国力进一步增强,人民生活进一步改善。China’s comprehensive national strength has further strengthened and people's livelihood has further improved.

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当今,文化力与政治力、经济力都是一个国家综合国力的重要组成部份。Presently, the power of culture, politics and economy have been important parts of synthetical national power.

作为激进政治家,罗斯福恢复了美国社会的原有秩序,并且极大的提升了综合国力,就这一点而言,他是自杰佛逊以来,功绩最为卓著的总统。As a radical, he saved the old order-and advanced American power more than any other president since Jefferson.

国际海运业的发展对一个国家综合国力的提高具有直接的促进作用。The development of the international ocean shipping industry can directly promote a country's overall national strength.

现代物流业的发展水平,一定程度上反映了一个国家的综合国力和企业的市场竟争力。To some extent the development level of modern logistics reflects national power and market competitive power of enterprises.

当今世界,文化与经济、政治相互联系、相互渗透、相互交融,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用越来越突出。In the present world culture and economy and politics interrelate with and penetrate each other and play more important roles.

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实施教育优先发展战略,是加快人才培养、增强我国综合国力、应对激烈国际竞争的决定性因素。How to give priority to the development of education and how to the international competitive power of our country are dealt wi.

当今,文化发展不但是人民幸福生活的重要保障,更是国家综合国力的重要依托。Today, cultural development is not only important to people's happiness, but also an underpinning of a country's overall strength.

严格地说,全民健身的发展水平更能体现一个国家的综合国力。Strictly speaking, the development level of the national keep-fit can even more reflects the comprehensive national power of a country.

一名前中国人民解放军海军官员强调,“航母是一种非常复杂的武器系统,并且显示了国家的综合国力。As one former PLAN official emphasized, "An aircraft carrier is a very complex weapons system and demonstrates overall national strength.

在当今世界日趋激烈的综合国力竞争中,文化的地位和作用越来越突出。In the growingly intense competition of gross power among nations in the world, position and function of culture appears more and more prominent.

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资源领域的争夺,正日益成为综合国力竞争的一个重要方面。Scrabbling for resource in the resource field, which is becoming an important aspect of the comprehensive national strength competition day by day.

它将使国民生产和经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变,增强我国的综合国力,使人民群众的生活更加富裕。It will make a shift in domestic production and economic increase from extensive to intensive, strengthen our unified power, and enrich people's life.

人类社会进入21世纪,国际上的知识经济竞争、综合国力竞争日趋激烈,归根结底是创造型人才的竞争。As are walking into the 21st century, the competition between countries is growing more and more fierce, but in fact it is one between creative talents.