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我近来精神萎靡不振。I've been depressed lately.

它已经有一些萎靡不振。it'd become kind of dormant.

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受到打击后他有点萎靡不振了。His spirits sagged after that strike.

长期借款依然萎靡不振。Longer-term borrowing also is anemic.

我们在烈日下变得萎靡不振。We were wilting under the burning sun.

石油价格的抬高使汽车市场萎靡不振。Arise in oil prices depresses the car market.

宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.

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一个现象是,人类最忠诚的朋友在炎热中总是萎靡不振。One is that man's best friend droops in the heat.

第二天的早晨我感到浑身发紧、萎靡不振。Next morning I felt pretty rusty and low-spirited.

近年来,世界农药工业萎靡不振,正在经历艰难时刻。The world agrochemical industry is going into hard time.

如此挥霍,美国萎靡不振的财政实难维持。That will be hard to sustain, given America's fiscal woes.

莫妮卡因为和里查德分手而萎靡不振。Monica is dysfunctional because of her breakup with Richard.

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几个小时以后,我们找到了在维加斯街头流浪的萎靡不振的莫里斯。A couple of hours later, we found Maurice wandering the Vegas strip.

他懒得萎靡不振,因此早就未老先衰了。He was too lazy to exert himself and rusted out long before his time.

西塞罗首先警告我们要注意萎靡不振的危险。So, Cicero first warned us against the danger of being lackadaisical.

他列举了曾因猪霍乱而萎靡不振的养猪业。He cites the pork industry, which used to be blighted with hog cholera.

美国的房屋建筑量正在上升,尽管欧洲的仍因经济衰退而萎靡不振。American house building is perking up, even if Europe languishes in recession.

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日本经济萎靡不振始于1990,但时至今日,日本经济依然未有起色。Japan's period of malaise began in 1990, and the country is still struggling today.

0年代股票投资一直萎靡不振,牛市在1982年才露端倪The '70s were a terrible time to invest in stocks, a bull market had started in 1982.

但当营利性部门享受着势如破竹的进步时,公民部门萎靡不振。But while the for-profit sector enjoyed sweeping progress, the citizen sector languished.