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相信爱,能将所爱之人抹杀吗?。Wiil you kill someone you love.

你没办法抹杀自己的过去.And you have no way to expunge your past.

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现实,抹杀了太多如真似幻的意象。Reality, kill too much like real unreal image.

抑或这张免费票会抹杀你的奋斗动机?Or would a free ticket have destroyed your motivation?

把所谓“明星”捧做文唐袈贵即是抹杀他们。Crowning "stars" among literary upstarts is killing them.

享有这些的过程把最后的结果都抹杀掉了。The process of having it all has eliminated the end product.

伊利丹靠这一击,不仅得到了一切,也抹杀了看守者们。In one fell stroke, Illidan had all but wiped out the Watchers.

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他们抹杀了我的存在,还杀害了我爱的人。They destroyed my identitiy and they destroyed the man I loved.

我注意到的一件事就是一点不要抹杀他的名声,要跟团队明确表示,我非常重视,他为创始公司所做的,努力,我绝不会试图,抹杀他的名声,这是一点。One of the things I did was to not tarnish his reputation at all.

我相信,死亡最难让人承受的,是它抹杀了我们的经历。I believe, the hardest part of death is the experiences it steals.

假如他拥有权力,他会抹杀人类的文明!Had he the power, he would efface the civilizations of the human race!

这一功绩彪炳史册,是任何人也抹杀不了的。This merit will shine throughout history and no one can obliterate it.

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令人气愤的是,上天把我最后升起的一点希望都抹杀掉了。Outrageous is that, God put my last point raised hopes were denied out.

范谊认为,高考抹杀了学生的个性和天赋。Fan argued that the exam system stunts individual interests and talents.

这样一来,进步的首要条件就被审查抹杀了。Consequently the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.

在国会上一次开会时他施展阻挠战术把提交的法案给抹杀了。He filibustered the proposed law to death in the last session of Congress.

之前试点计划所做的努力会被这一法案抹杀,这是铁板钉钉已经发生的事情。This is exactly what happened to undermine previous pilot program efforts.

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华兹华斯试图抹杀密尔顿,雪莱则通过密尔顿拥护莎士比亚。Wordsworth tried to kill off Milton and Shelley had it in for Shakespeare.

他们是维多利亚时代难得的“我们俩个”,是不会抹杀女性“自我”的“我们俩个”。Theirs was the rare Victorian “we two” that would not obliterate the female “I.”

为什么不呢,他差不多把蜘蛛侠里面的大反派一个个都抹杀掉,也不差这一个了。Why not, he’s killed off nearly every major Spidey villain so far, why stop now?