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事情发生前的一些风吹草动。They are full of belly laugh. · a straw in the wind.

只是点风吹草动,你怎么就大做文章?Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?

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青山风吹草动,闪烁着鱼鳞似的亮点。Castle peak drift of flashing like scales of bright spots.

现在,政策上的任何风吹草动都可能对地产价格产生重大影响。As a result, any policy change now has an outsize effect on prices.

新闻记者像狗,一有风吹草动,就开始叫。Journalists are like dogs, when ever anything moves they begin to bark.

今日倘有一点风吹草动,兴许就会造成银行业的巨大动荡。Taking a bet on a big deal today would be a huge and uncharacteristic gamble.

虽然仅仅是有一点风吹草动,但这种问题更加激怒了公众。On the issue that most enrages the public, though, there has been barely any movement.

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我昨晚才听到些风吹草动,现在就木已成舟了,太难让人接受了。I heard about it last night a little bit and then it came to fruition, it was a tough one to swallow.

投资者似乎已成为惊弓之鸟,任何风吹草动都会成为他们逃离的依据。Investors seem to have become frightened, any sign of trouble will become the basis for their escape.

这种理念也会导致恐慌性抛售,因为在这类投资者眼中,只要市场有任何风吹草动,他们的钱就会打水漂。It also leads to panic selling, when dips in the stock market feel like the person's money is being taken away.

地震之后,那个地区的人都成了惊弓之鸟,稍有风吹草动就要逃到街上去。People there became so frightened after the quake that they would run into the streets once they sensed something wrong.

作为一个成功的企业家,他小心地在实现自己商业梦想的同时,时刻关注着政治局势的风吹草动。One of a new breed of successful entrepreneurs, he balances commercial ambition with astute reading of the political tea-leaves.

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丹中尉总是有些奇怪的感觉,对于路上的风吹草动,他会叫我们蹲下,安静。Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road, so he'd tell us to get down, shut up!

所以,房地产市场的任何风吹草动都需要靠卖地挣钱的地方政府的通力配合。That's why any change in the realty market would require the cooperation of local governments that are dependent on land revenue.

通过云计算,用户不仅仅可以实时查看住宅内的风吹草动,并且可以对其进行溯源处理。With cloud computing, users can not only view real-time wind sways grass inside the house, and carries on the tracing processing.

我一向都是浅眠的人,一点风吹草动我都会惊醒,更别提那超分贝的惊叫。I have always been people who are shallow sleep, I will wake up a little sign of trouble, not to mention that ultra-decibel screaming.

如果可以,我宁愿就这么了无牵挂地睡去,再也不会因为你的风吹草动而变得喜怒无常。If possible, I would rather just free fall asleep again, because you will not be subject to changing moods and become wind sways grass.

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相反地,一天到晚情绪激动,一点风吹草动就急躁不安而惶惶不可终日,我们认为有这样情绪的人不好。On the contrary, he, who is excited all day and even is fussy about pretty disturbance or pretty trouble, is deemed as a man of bad mood.

还有一些人直接睡到了大马路上或邻近的公园里。其余的人也是一有风吹草动便卷铺盖跑到外面露宿。Other people quickly gathered blankets and rushed outside, planning to join others already sleeping on the street or in neighborhood parks.

它无言地存在着,用自己坚强而平和的宁静有力地斥责了风雨雷电以及人类——这个一碰到风吹草动就躲进房子里的没用的小东西。How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity as weathers, this gusty temper'd little whiffet , man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow.