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我在征求回答I'm asking for an answer.

我一直都向他征求意见。I always ask him for advice.

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王先生登广告征求女佣。Mr. Wang advertised for a maid.

但是先征求裴蕾的允许吧。But ask Pele's permission first.

成功的采购计划或征求书successful procurement plans and RFPs

积极的征求好的或者不好的反馈。Actively solicit good and bad feedback.

好的,宝贝,你不用再征求我的同意。Well, dearie, you don't need to ask me.

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威尔伯还向读者征求意见。Wilbur also solicits reader suggestions.

但当然,先要征求对方的许可。But, of course, ask for permission first.

因此我们才去征求小杨的意见。That's why we went and consulted Xiao Yang.

言路用征求意见的眼光看着妻子说。Their books with comments at the wife said.

他向汉娜征求她对一部热门戏剧的意见。Hannah was asked her opinion of a popular play.

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就连总统也向他们征求意见。Presidents, the real ones, sought their counsel.

它表示你正在征求允许。What it means is that you are asking permission.

想征求任何玩具或乐高系列区。Would like to seek any toys or Lego series area.

我意识到萨阿迪正在征求我的意见。I had the sense that Saadi was asking for my advice.

我们征求并聆听了你们的意见。We have solicited your views and listened carefully.

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之后,她又征求为我松裤子的许可。After that, she requested permission to undo my pants.

有些摄影师在拍摄前会先征求被拍摄者的同意,有些则不会。Some photographers ask before shooting, others do not.

你不会随便向路人甲乙丙征求意见吧。You wouldn't seek advice from any Tom, Dick and Harry.