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蜜蜂酿蜜。Bees make honey.

蜂酿蜜。Bees honey produce.

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蜜蜂酿蜜。The bee makes honey.

老蜂不酿蜜。Old bees yield no honey.

蜜蜂不停地酿蜜。A dead bee makes no honey.

死的蜜蜂不会酿蜜。A dead bee makes no honey.

蜜蜂嗡嗡酿蜜忙。With the honey for the bee.

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蜜蜂不停地酿蜜。The bees are forever making honey.

她懂得读书应该像蜜蜂酿蜜一样。She knows that reading is like honey gathering.

养蜂人在一次收获的季节里,想要尝试酿蜜。In a harvest season, a beekeeper tried making honey.

米歇尔表示还会有两个蜂箱用来酿蜜。Mrs. Missis Obama said 2 beehives will provide honey.

花蜜为蜜蜂提供食物和酿蜜的原料。The liquid gives them food and material to make honey.

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大黄蜂虽然也酿蜜,但是只用作维系种群,不养来产蜜供人类食用。Bumble bees also make honey but it is used to feed the colony, not farmed for human consumption.

大黄蜂虽然也酿蜜,但是只用作维系种群,不养来产蜜供人类食用。Bumble bees also make honey, but it is used to feed the colony, not farmed for human consumption.

巴巴多斯、格林纳达和圣路西亚群岛非常盛行一种用干水果和酿蜜酒做成的黑色蛋糕。A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados, Grenada and St.

有的昆虫的作用对人有益,它们吐丝、酿蜜,还帮助花儿多结籽。The things that some insects do are helpful to people. They spin silk and make honey and help the flowers to make seeds.

酿蜜的蜂不会守在蜂窝旁,有钱的人努力奋斗时还在担忧着。The bee that makes the honey doesn't stand around the hive, and the man who makes the money has to worry, work, and strive.

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就像蜜蜂从花粉中酿蜜,人也应该能够在生活中发现幸福和圆满,而不伤害自己生活于其中的自然界。Just as the bee manufactures honey out of pollen, so man should be able to find happiness and fulfilment in life without harming the natural world in which he lives.