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她被魔咒镇住了。She's under a magic spell.

谁被魔咒镇住了?Who is under a magic spell?

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我把它成为丰裕的魔咒。I called it the curse of abundance.

公主被魔咒镇住了。The princess is under a magic spell.

苍老的日头下整座城都被魔咒封锁。A city spell-bound under the aging sun.

爱洛公主被魔咒镇住了。Princess Aurora is under a magic spell.

阿莱格里希望打破对莱切的魔咒。Allegri wants to break taboo against Lecce.

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他找到了爱洛公主。她被魔咒镇住了。He finds Aurora. She's under a magic spell.

将会有一本关于霍格沃滋魔咒的书吗?Could there please be a book of Hogwart spells?

那赛季的湖人终于打破凯子的魔咒。The team that finally broke the Celtics' curse.

我用这把剑砍杀妖魔的时候中了魔咒。I was cursed while using it to cut down monsters.

因为这是巫术,是蛊,是毒,中了你的魔咒。Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, under your spell.

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最近又有个例子印证了这一魔咒。There is another example in accord with the curse.

就像我说的那样,吻一位公主将打破魔咒。Like I told you all,kissing a princess breaks the spell.

她是吃男人的怪物!噢,不,他中了她的魔咒了。Be careful! She's a man-eater! Oh, no. He's under her spell.

现在,在葫芦岛,这个魔咒解除,我们再度复活起来了!Now, here in huludao, the spell is broken, and we live again!

我是这世界上唯一的流浪者,我是一条被施了魔咒的河流。I'm the only vagabond under the sun. I'm a river with a spell.

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上帝保佑,让我逃离撒旦的魔咒,她无声地哭了。God save me, she cried silently, from the stinking power of Satan!

黑魔法防御术,魔咒课,变形课,草药课……Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology...

现在他培养出的魔咒变成了一个老人的毒咒。Now the spell he had nurtured would become an old man's malediction.