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所有金属遇热膨胀,遇冷收缩。All metals expand with heat and contract with cold.

它们是热膨胀、汽化和介质击穿。They are thermal expansion, vaporization and dielectric breakdown.

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当水在一个封闭系统内加热时,就会发生热膨胀。Thermal expansion occurs whenever water is heated in a closed system.

珍珠岩是一种重量轻,无臭,消毒,热膨胀火山矿物。Perlite is a light-weight odorless, sterilized, heat-expanded volcanic mineral.

本文简要介绍了利用光热膨胀工作的微型驱动器的原理。This paper presents a novel asymmetric microactuator based on photo-thermal expansion.

因为物体遇热膨胀,所以热水其实要比冷水重。Because things get expand when they heated, hot water is actually HEAVIER than cold water.

以国外引进的热膨胀测量仪为主要手段,全面地探讨了AIN材料的烧结过程。In this paper, we studied the sintering process of AIN material by means of thedilatometer.

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它是研究单螺杆压缩机热膨胀及热传导的基础。It is the base of research on heat expansion and heat transfer of single screw compressors.

提出了在静态重复率泵浦的准分子激光器中的放电气体热膨胀模型。The heat-expanding model of discharge gas in repetitive static excimer lasers is described.

本文简要介绍了利用光热膨胀工作的微型驱动器的原理。This article briefly presents a new idea of micro-drivers based on photo-thermal expansion.

物体遇热膨胀,遇冷收缩,这是一种普遍的物理现象。It is a common physical phenomenon that substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.

为了确定是否是热膨胀的原因,请尝试短暂开启冷水龙头。To determine if this is the result of thermal expansion, try briefly opening the cold water tap.

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主要挥发分析出后热膨胀引起的破碎可以忽略。The fragmentation which induces thermal expansion can be neglected after the main devolatilization.

有热伸长的管道吊杆,应向热膨胀的反方向偏移。Heating stretching pipe hanger should be fixed oppositely to the direction of the thermal expansion.

同时由于熔融石英本身的低热膨胀性,使其具有优良的抗热震性。Because of the low expansion of fused quartz itself, the product possesses good thermal shock resistance.

对我国浙南温州渡船头伊利石矿的热膨胀性及其机理进行了研究。The thermal swellability and its mechanisms of illite from Duchuantou in Zhejiang province were discussed.

详细叙述了降低蜂窝状堇青石陶瓷载体热膨胀的各种途径。In this paper, the ways to decrease the thermal expansion of cordierite honeycomb structural body is described.

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对于温度超过260℃的应用环境,建议采用柔性或拼合式楔形闸板,避免楔形闸板由于热膨胀而被卡住。Flexible or split wedges are recommended for service above 500 ℉ to avoid wedge binding due to thermal expansion.

用热膨胀仪确定了LSGM的烧结温度及热膨胀系数。The sintering temperature and thermal expansion coefficient of the LSGM sample were determined using dilatometer.

通过观察水泥石微观形貌和测定水泥石孔隙率等方法,对硬化水泥石的热膨胀性能进行机理分析。Thermal expansion properties of hardened cement paste were reduced after fly ash and blast furnace slag was added.