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热镀锌金属支架。Hot galvanizing metal bracket.

筒管支架不合适。Improper arms of bobbin holder.

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固定支架有其它的问题。Fixed mounts have other problems.

瞄准或用支架描准仪。Sight or collimator with bracket.

重新安装墙支架。Reattach the unit to wall bracket.

安全的木头支架和升降式的止动销。Safety legs and lift lock out pins.

折叠支架支撑的翻板的活动翻板桌。A support on which to rest the feet.

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大梁由支架支撑。The girders are carried on trestles.

过滤器元件支架,过滤器,墨笔。Filter element carrier, filter, ink pen.

用支架和螺丝钉把这根梁固定起来。Fix the beam with the brackets and screws.

他把牵引支架固定在船体上。He fixed the towing cradle round the hull.

他把听筒猛力往支架上放下。He jammed the receiver down on the cradle.

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肯尼迪用肩头支架着电话筒。Kennedy cradled the phone on his shoulder.

门廊位于一个有支架的天蓬下。The doorway sits under a bracketed canopy.

放塑料支架或者自膨胀金属支架?Plastic versus self-expanding metal stents?

盆养花长得极高,超出了支架。The flower plant has overgrown its support.

支架生产商比药厂更可获利多几十亿。The stent manufacturers make billions more.

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支架材料为国产形状记忆镍钛合金。The stent was made of shape memory nitinol.

槽筒与筒子支架设置不正确。Cone holder incorrectly set to winding drum.

再将支架放到这个像烤箱的设备里。We place it back into this oven-like device.