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飘洋过海到外国土地。To cross the sea to any foreign soil.

博思韦尔飘洋过海,并死在了丹麦的监狱中。Bothwell went over the sea,and died in a prison in Denmark.

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只要自己觉得快乐和幸福,为什么不可以为了柠檬,为了风和云而飘洋过海。If you feel happy, why not go abroad for the lemon, wind and cloud?

我看到了那飘洋过海、远道而来的最奇特的船头雕饰。I saw the most wonderful figureheads, that had all been far over the ocean.

传说八仙就是在这里喝醉了酒才一起飘洋过海的。It's said that the Eight Immortals got drunk here before flying across the ocean.

我们的族祖先飘洋过海,下南洋讨生活。Our Chinese ancestors came across the ocean, sailing south to find a way for living.

共和党内的一端是一些无所畏惧的新保守主义者,他们仍然热衷于飘洋过海去斩杀妖魔鬼怪。At one end of the party are some undaunted neocons, keen still to slay monsters across the seas.

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男方在网上有了外遇,就飘洋过海去与网上恋人见面,之后,他为了和她在一起而抛妻弃子。He met someone on the Net and go overseas to meet the woman. Then he left his wife and child to be with IT.

男方在网上有了外遇,就飘洋过海去与网上恋人见面,之后,他为了和她在一起而抛妻弃子。He met someone on the Net and went abroad to meet the woman. Then he left his wife and babies to be with her.

男方在网上有了外遇,就飘洋过海去与网上恋人见面,之后,他和她在一起而抛妻弃子。He met someone on the Net and went overseas to meet the woman. Then he left his wife and children to be with her.

当疾病在世界任何角落得以任意流行时,我们知道它能够飘洋过海,传播到各大洲。And when disease goes unchecked in any corner of the world, we know that it can spread across oceans and continents.

同时,她的名字又伴随着飘洋过海的华侨、海员和外交使节,传到世界各地。Meanwhile, her name was passed to foreign countries and regions by diplomatic envoys , overseas Chinese, and seamen.

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飘洋过海到东亚和东南亚的大韩民国,日本,菲律宾,文莱,马来西亚和印度尼西亚。Across the seas to the east and southeast are the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.

一个很好的例子就是现代菲律宾之父荷西·黎萨,他的祖宗于300年前从中国的福建省飘洋过海到菲律宾。CASE in point is Jose Rizal, the founder of modern Philippines whose ancestors migrated there from Fujian, China, some 300 years ago.

你盛开在酷热的天空之下,芬芳纤细,我必须再次飘洋过海不再见你,回到我远在彼岸的家乡。Fragrant and slender 'neath tropical skies, I must cross the seas again and never see you more , way back to my home on a distant shore.

罗斯福,他的经验,助理国务卿战争第一次世界大战期间,理解的重要性发生了什么事情飘洋过海。Roosevelt, with his experience as Assistant Secretary of War during WWI, understood the importance of what was going on across the seas.

甚至在中世纪也只有最勇敢的人才敢飘洋过海。Even in the Middle Ages only the most daring went to lands beyond the sea. The human pursuit of security conditioned men to love their homes.

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伽利略早在1639年便意外地发现了这一理论,当时他发现下落物体在飘洋过海的船上的表现同在静止的建筑中落下时的表现一样。Galileo hit on the idea in 1639, when he showed that a falling object behaves the same way on a moving ship as it does in a motionless building.

与素未谋面的丈夫有婚约在身的扶桑,在茶山被人拐骗,飘洋过海远赴旧金山。Promised and married to a husband she's never met, Fusang is kidnapped from her tea-growing village in the mountains and shipped to San Francisco.

归结犹太在新港市的社区发展,要从1658年算起,15个家庭飘洋过海到这个发展中的港都,建立集会中心。Organized Jewish community life in Newport dates to 1658, when 15 families arrived from overseas to establish a congregation in the growing seaport.