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全球气候变冷了么?Global cooling?

全球火山活动计划。Global Volcanism Program.

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全球变暖很是诡秘。Global warming is sneaky.

Liya具有全球吸引力。Liya has a global appeal.

而大多数人的不幸福极值在40到50多岁,全球平均值为46岁。The global average is 46.

星诺奇的目标是开拓全球市场。Our target is global market.

一要共同应对全球气候变化。First, tackle climate change.

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全球变暖的迅捷解决方案?Global warming's quicker fix?

为此需要全球团结互助。Global solidarity is required.

全球主义与全球一体化?Globalism versus globalization?

简直就是全球传染病。It's literally global epidemic.

它是一所享誉全球的大学。It's renowned across the world.

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如今可乐已蜚声全球。Coke is now familiar world-wide.

是“全球最大的图书馆”。It is the bigest global library.

本次全球金融风暴,滥觞于美国华尔街。THE crisis began on Wall Street.

成为全球最佳雇主公司。To be the best employer company.

中国正成为全球土霸。China is becoming a global bully.

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现场手术。全球专家网络。Global Network of Master Alumnis.

从全球角度来看,我们的能源管理系统是有缺陷的。Globally, our systems are flawed.

他为加拿大帝国商业银行全球市场部工作过。He worked for CIBC World Markets.