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我们可以逐一编辑它们。We can edit them one by one.

逐一审查每一个文件。Go through each file one by one.

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品茶,逐一品赏各杯茶水。Sip the four cups of tea one by one.

可依检测报告逐一检查对照。Follow detection report check control.

我是如何爱你?让我逐一细述。How do I love thee?let me count the ways.

练习从一至三百六十五逐一编号。The exercises are numbered from 1 to 365.

我是怎样地爱你?让我逐一细算。How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

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孩子们逐一自报姓名。The children called out their names in turn.

学生们逐一走过独木桥。The students filed across a narrow foot bridge.

逐一解释为什么这些概念是行不通的。Explain point by point why the ideas won’t work.

报告人对这些问题逐一作了说明。The speaker explained these questions one by one.

他们对计划的各个方面逐一地进行了审核。They reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit.

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安全标签是按组件逐一比较的。Security labels are compared component by component.

每位将领被要求逐一晋见。Each general was asked to come to see them one by one.

私元两整逐一年我永久分开了我的母校,辛集合教。In 2011 I ever leave my alma mater, Xinji middle school.

本文带领您逐一执行这些步骤。This article guides you through these steps, one by one.

本文将对这些标准文件逐一简述。This tip discusses each of these standard files briefly.

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它们逐一改变你的自主神经系统平衡。They change the balance in your autonomic nervous system.

我们万分惊叹,逐一仔细观看那些名画。We were so amazed and looked at the paintings one by one.

商业投资林林总总,他也不能逐一跟踪。There are so many business ventures, he cannot keep track.