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它从天河的琼水骨化而来。Which is from ossification of water in galaxy.

骨化三醇与较高的高钙尿症危险相关。Calcitriol was associated with a higher risk of hypercalciuria.

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报告了5例进行性骨化性肌炎。The authors reported 5 cases of myositis ossificans progressiva.

在缺钙的情况下,激素骨化三醇浓度增加。In the absence of calcium, levels of the hormonecalcitriol increase.

骨化性肌炎是骨头异位性形成的一个良性情况。Myositis ossificans is a benign condition of heterotopic bone formation.

目的分析非骨化性纤维瘤的X线平片及CT表现,探讨其诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the value of diagnosis of NOF by plain film and CT.

因此头侧的骨化中心不会与C2椎体融合。Therefore, the cephalad ossification centers do not fuse with the C2 body.

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目的提高对骨化性肌炎诊断和治疗的认识。Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of the myosotis ossificans.

目的探讨鼻窦骨化纤维瘤的CT诊断。OBJECTIVE To improve the CT diagnosis of ossifying fibroma in paranasal sinus.

她肩膀两侧长出额外骨头,病情会令她的肌腱继续骨化,身体逐步瘫痪,最终变成一尊雕像。This disease will make her tendons ossify and her body paralyzed into a statue.

目的探讨长骨骨化性纤维瘤的X线及CT诊断价值,提高影像诊断正确率。Objective To investigate the Xray and CT finding of long bone ossifying fibroma.

该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses.

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目的探讨进行性骨化性肌炎的临床特征和诊断要点。To discuss the clinical features and diagnosis of Myositis Ossificans Progressiva.

支持适当的胡夫功能和减轻毁灭性的结果骨化。Support proper hoof function and alleviate the devastating results of ossification.

同时讨论了硬膜骨化的手术和预后因素。The surgical and prognostic implications of dural ossification are being discussed.

我们报告一例发生在年轻女性手上的骨化性肌炎。This is a case report of a young female patient with myositis ossificans of the hand.

另外,在齿状缘还存在关节面以及韧带的异常骨化。There was abnormal ossification of the facet joints and the ligaments of the odontoid.

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病变区内见云絮状密度增高9例,见砂粒状和斑点状骨化或条片状钙化影6例。Cloudy dense areas 9 case, sandy and spotty dense areas of striped calcifications 6cases.

引起蝶骨发育不良最可能的原因是蝶骨骨化不全。The most likely cause of sphenoid dysplasia is defective ossification of the sphenoid bone.

椎体中心的初级骨化中心,影像清楚,外形各异。The primary ossification centers of the vertebral body could found clearly with a variform.