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杰克喜欢在上课的时候插科打诨。Jack likes to cut up in class.

这个演员在所“扮演”的喜剧角色中插科打诨。The actor gagged up his part in the comedy.

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小丑插科打诨逗得观众大笑。The clown panicked the audience with a gag.

每一次插科打诨都引来一阵开怀大笑。Each gag was rewarded with a generous belly-laugh.

那个年轻人一遇到姑娘总是插科打诨。The young man would always cut up if there were any girls.

表演时锣鼓烘托,插科打诨,喧呼成戏。Percussion performances contrast, gag, noise called into play.

语言上的插科打诨、揶揄嘲笑也有很强的喜剧效果。The buffoonery and derision of Language also have very strong comedy result.

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“看我”有各种不同的形式,从插科打诨到追求芳名不胜枚举。It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame.

剑与魔法,与幽灵王史诗级的战斗,再加上一连串的插科打诨?Swords, magic, an epic climatic battle with Skeletor plus a series of one-liners?

讨厌的插科打诨和令人惊讶的曲折最终会带给你的乐趣和笑声再次响亮!Nasty gags and surprising twists will bring you ultimate fun and lustily laughs once again!

晃来晃去的像蠕虫在钩子上的环在她的插科打诨她试图咕噜和跺脚的注意。Dangling like a worm on a hook by the ring in her gag she tries to grunt and stomp for attention.

戏曲里的插科打诨,他不只且看且笑,还几回再三搬演,笑得打跌。Opera in the gag, he not only let me see and laugh, also repeatedly paraded, laughing or playing.

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科诨,又称插科打诨,是中国戏曲中使用、制造滑稽效果的一种表现手法。Kehun, also known as fueled, is used in Chinese opera, creating a comical effect performance practices.

现在霍姆斯人为他们的名誉插科打诨,制作恶搞视频来嘲笑制裁。Now Homsis are playing on their reputation for buffoonery to make spoof videos ridiculing the crackdown.

这儿也有一家黑胶唱片店“耳朵糖果”,还有必要音乐和插科打诨礼品店罗金•鲁迪商店。There’s also a vinyl record shop, Ear Candy, and the obligatory music and gag gift store, Rockin Rudy’s.

沈绮颖在医院待了很长时间,“既是看护,又要插科打诨来振奋他的精神,”她说。She spent long days at the hospital as both "caretaker and court jester trying to lift his spirits, " she said.

道格拉斯声称漫游指南里面其实只有很少几个笑话,都是些惯例性的插科打诨和单句笑话。Douglas claimed there were actually very few jokes in Hitchhiker's, in terms of conventional gags and one-liners.

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我们认为,新闻应该一个人笑或插科打诨和定期新闻组织只是不明白这一点。We believe that news should make a person laugh or gag and regular news organizations just don't understand this.

那就是他怎样得到大学的足球奖学金,在生活的故事,最终成为一个插科打诨他的好运气。That's how he gets a college football scholarship, in a life story that eventually becomes a running gag about his good luck.

最后就是其他的一些梦,比如真幻混同之梦和最有趣的插科打诨之梦。Finally is other some dreams, for instance confuses the dream really imaginary and most interesting inserts funny dialog the dream.