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他们抗争,我们等待。They fight. We wait.

她聪颖灵透、大胆抗争、招式独特。She is clever, bold and peculiar.

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我们也偶尔发起抗争。We fought, occasionally, as well.

亿万年来我们一直在和重力抗争。Millions of years we fought gravity.

这也就是为什么我会不顾一切持续抗争。This is why, despite everything, I fight on.

他选择通过自焚来表示抗争。He chose to protest by way of self-immolation.

因为她饰演了一个无力抗争的女性形象。Because she played a feminine image of weakness.

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我们要求我们的作家去和体制抗争么?Do we require of our writers to fight the system?

所有人已然听到我们奋力抗争的哭喊。People everywhere have heard our despairing wails.

抗争了这么多年,我已经心力交瘁了!I am so ex­hausted from fighting for so many years.

如果我们不共同抗争,我们的未来将会怎样?If we don't fight together what will our future be?

爱不支持你的喜好,爱会抗争。Love does not support your likings. Love can fight.

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但是,47岁的魏勇却是为了挽救这个村子而进行着抗争。But one of the men fighting to save the village is Mr.

我们的战略,将是阿帕奇式的骁勇抗争。And our battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance.

他允诺继续与无宗教信仰力量的抗争。He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.

性与爱在与死亡本能的抗争中激溅飞扬。Sex and love struggle commpetitively with death instinct.

你们可以天天抗争,但哪个笨蛋以为他能战胜上帝?You can fight all day, but want dolt thinks he can beat God?

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当我放下这麦克风的时候,你是依然想要抗争。You gon' either wanna fight when I get off this f-cking mic.

人类一直就在与自然抗争,或则说至少是试图与之抗争。Human beings are defying nature. Or at least we're trying to.

就像在沙滩上吹起的神风一样,要想与它抗争,是不可能的。Like the Divine Wind on the beach, it is impossible to fight.