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它是白蓝相间的。It's white and blue.

它的毛白黄相间。It's white and yellow.

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一匹黑白相间的花马。A black and white horse.

穿蓝黄相间衣服的。The man in blue and yellow.

她穿着蓝黄相间的外套。Her coat is blue and yellow.

宫殿是红黄相间的。The palace is red and yellow.

小熊猫,黑白相间。Little panda, black and white.

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小斑马,黑白相间。Little zebra, black and white.

她有一辆黑黄相间的车。She has a yellow and black car.

让我看看那条兰色和灰色相间的。Let me see that gray and blue one.

噢,不错的黑银相间设计。Ooh, nice black and silver design.

布什羞怯地朝女王看去,女王则透过她黑白相间的礼帽回视了布什一眼。Bush looked at the queen sheepishly.

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它们是白色相间的,很可爱。They are white in colour btw, sweet.

黑白相间的军舰鸟翱翔在Black-and-white man-of-war birds soar

柏莎是一只可爱的棕白相间的熊。Bertha is a cute brown and white bear.

最后他把飞机涂成了红蓝相间的颜色。Then he paints the plane blue and red.

你看,这红黄相间的玩具车是新的。Look, the red and yellow toy car is new.

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他们有黄黑相间的皮毛。They have yellow fur with black stripes.

食品杂货店被刷成红黄相间的颜色。The grocery was laced with red and yellow.

它全身的毛是黑黄相间的。猜猜它是什么动物?It is black and yellow body and white hair.